This fully revised text provides an understandable, clear overview of the psychology of language. Using an information-processing approach, Carroll brings the current developments and controversies in psycholinguistics to students in an engaging style and sets them in historical context. Functional in its approach, it fills the need for an up-to-date and clearly written treatment of the field. It gives students a balanced look at the subject. He includes an evenhanded and consistent discussion from both camps within the psycholinguistics field- both the cognitive side and the developmental side of research-to give students a comprehensive overview. HIGHLIGHTS provides students with excellent preparatory material for the more indepth chapters that follow uses everyday examples throughout the book, and fundamental questions are approached from a variety of perspectives, including different theoretical positions, various research strategies and classical versus more contemporary research examines current controversies on an issue-by-issue basis, and the author explores which theoretical orientation to each issue is best supported by research gives new information on non-alphabetic orthographies revises the section on Memory for Discourse to include emphasis on verbatim propositional and situational representation includes a new discussion on aphasias in the biologicao foundations of language
PART 1 General Issues 1 Introduction:Themes of Psycholinguistics 2 Linguistic Principles 3 Psychological Mechanisms PART 2 Language Comprehension 4 Perception of Language 5 The Internal Lexicon 6 Sentence Comprechension and Memory 7 Discourse Comprechension and Memory PART 3 Language Production and Conversational Interaction 8 Production of Speech and Language 9 Conversational Interaction PART 4 Language Acpuisition 10 Early Language Acquisition 11 Latcr Language Acquisition 12 Processes of Language Acquisition PART 5 Language in Perspective 13 Biological Foundations of Language 14 Language,Culture,and Cognition