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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)計(jì)算機(jī)/網(wǎng)絡(luò)電子商務(wù)與計(jì)算機(jī)文化電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計(jì)與應(yīng)用案例詳解:英文版



定 價(jià):¥66.00

作 者: (美)John Ganci,(英)Peter Kovari著
出版社: 北京希望電子出版社
叢編項(xiàng): 21世紀(jì)網(wǎng)站開發(fā)技術(shù)英文叢書
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787900056511 出版時(shí)間: 2001-01-01 包裝:
開本: 23cm+光盤1片 頁數(shù): 458 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  這是一本專門詳細(xì)剖析目前在線電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計(jì)與應(yīng)用案例的英文版書。全書由三大部分、17章和1個(gè)附錄組成。第一部分介紹在線電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)的內(nèi)在關(guān)系和結(jié)構(gòu),由4章構(gòu)成:電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)基本發(fā)展情況,應(yīng)用拓?fù)潢P(guān)聯(lián)的選擇,運(yùn)行拓?fù)潢P(guān)聯(lián)的選擇和產(chǎn)品映射;第二部分介紹在線電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)的各種設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)范,由5章構(gòu)成:電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)執(zhí)行規(guī)范,電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)技術(shù)選擇規(guī)范,電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)范,電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用開發(fā)規(guī)范和電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)管理和安全規(guī)范; 第三部分介紹電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)的工作范例,由8章構(gòu)成:電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)工作范例簡介,電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)在小型機(jī)平臺AIX的運(yùn)行環(huán)境,開發(fā)環(huán)境,創(chuàng)建商店,小型機(jī)平臺AIX的安全目錄模塊(LDAP)功能介紹,Java在電子商務(wù)套件中的應(yīng)用,個(gè)性化電子商務(wù)系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)和采用MQSeries XML隊(duì)列的后端集成技術(shù)。附錄的內(nèi)容包括Windows NT平臺下的電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)的運(yùn)行環(huán)境。本書的特點(diǎn)是內(nèi)容新,豐富、全面。具有很強(qiáng)的技術(shù)通用性、實(shí)用性和指導(dǎo)性。尤其是在在線電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)的應(yīng)用開發(fā)方面將起重要的推動(dòng)作用。本書不但是從事在線電子商務(wù)交易系統(tǒng)的應(yīng)用與開發(fā)的廣大從業(yè)人員的重要工作指導(dǎo)書,而且也是高等院校師生教學(xué)、自學(xué)參考書,科研院所圖書館的館藏讀物。本光盤內(nèi)容包括本版電子書。




PART ONE User-to-Online Buying Pattern
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Patterns
1.1 patterns ofr e-business
1.2 User-to-Online Buying Pattern
1.3 How to use the Patterns
1.4 Patterns for e-business Web site
1.5 Application Framework for e-business
1.6 An integrated view of e-business solutions
1.7 Structure of this User-to-Online buying Pattern redbook
CHAPTER 2 Choosing the application topology
2.1 Application topology
2.1.1 Application topology l(business driver
2.1.2 Application topology lf key features
2.1.3 App1ication topology l: considerations
2.1.4 Application toPOlogy l: examPle
2.2 Application topology 2
2.2.1 Application topology 2: business driver
2.2.2 Application topology 2f key features
2.2.3 Application tOPology 2: considerations
2.2.4 Application topology 2: examPle
careRa Choosing the runtime topology
3.1 Node types overview
3.1.1 Web application server node
3.1.2 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) node
3.1.3 Domain Name System (DNS) node
3.1.4 User node
3.1.5 Directory and security services node
3.1.6 Database server node
3.1.7 Protocolfirewalland domain firewallnodes
3.1.8 Dispatcher node
3.1.9 Shared file system node
3.1.10 Web server redirector node
3.1.1 1 Application server node
3.1.12 Commerce server node
3.1.1 3 Application and data nodes
3.2 Runtime topology A
3.2.1 Runtime topology A; Example
cwnR Choosing the runtime topology
4.1 Runtime topology Af product mapping
4.1.1 Runtime topology A: product mapping - Windows NT platorm
4.2 Runtime topology B: product mapping
4.2.1 Runtime topo1ogy Bf product mapping - Windows NT platform
4.2.2 Runtime topology B(product mapping - AlX platfOrm
cwes Performance guidelines
5.1 ArchitectUre and hardware caPacity planning
5.1.1 l-tier runtime topology (single node)
5.1.2 2-tier runtime topology (single WCS server - remote DB server)
5.1.3 3-tier runtime topology (multiple WCS server - remote DB server)
5.1.4 Hardware caPacity planning
5.2 Operating system and netWork
5.3 Web aPplication servers and technologies
5.3.1 WebSphere Commerce Suite
5.3.2 Database server
5.3.3 NetWork Dispatcher
5.3.4 Integration to back-end system
5.4 Application development
5.4.1 Net.Data
5.4.2 HTMlpages
5.4.3 Servlets and JSPs
cwnRe Yechnology options
6.1 Web clients
6.1.1 Web browser
6.1.2 Markup languages
6.1.3 Client-side scripts
6.1.4 Java aPplets
6.2 WebSphere Application Server
6.2.1 XML
6.2.2 JavaServer Page (JSP)
6.2.3 Java Servlets
6.2.4 JavaBeans
6.2.5 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
6.3 WebSphere Commerce Suite
6.3.2 Tasks
63.3 Overridablc functions
6.3.4 Database
63.5 CGlimpIementation
6.3.6 WebSphere Application Server integration
6.3.7 Connectors
careRv Application design guidelines
7.1 Genera1 Web application design guidelines
7.2 Application elements
7.2.1 Web clients
7.2.2 WebSphere Commerce Suite
7.2.3 Back-end systems
7.3 Application structure
7.4 Working logic
7.4.1 Net.Data C++ modules
7.4.2 JavaServer Pages Java Servlets and JavaBeans
7.4.3 Business logic
7.4.4 Presentation 1ogic
7.4.5 JavaServer Pages or Net.Data macros
7.5 Controller
7.6 Page construction
7.7 User tracking and session management
7.7.1 Cookies and URlrewriting
7.7.2 Session persistence and clustering
7.8 Response time
7.8.1 Processing requests
7.8.2 Quick responsc time
7.9 Security
7.9.1 Authentication
7.9.2 Uscr Registry
7.9.3 Access controI
7.9.4 lntegrity
7.9.5 Cross-referencing
7.9.6 WcbSphcre Application Scrvcr
7.10 c-commerce model
7.10.1 Modelovervicw
7.10.2 Use casc cxamplc
7.10.3 Tcchnicalwalkthrough cxample
7.1 lWhcrc to find morc i11f)rmation
cwnRa Application development guidelines
8.1 Development process overview
8.1.1 Application and architecture domains
8.2 Solution outline
8.3 Macro design
8.4 Micro design
8.5 Build cycle
8.5.1 Develop source code
8.6 Deployment
8.6.1 Deployment f work products
8.6.2 Deployment f process
8.6.3 Deployment f tools
8.7 Organization role
8.8 e-Commerce application functionality
8.9 Development environment
8.9.1 lBM Application Framework for e-business
8.9.2 Development tools
8.9.3 WebSphere Commerce Suite Administration
8.10 Commands tasks overridable functions
8.10.1 Commands
8.10.2 Tasks
8.10.3 Overridable functions
8.1 lProgramming logic behind the application
8.1 1.1 Business logic
8.1 1.2 Presentation logic
8.12 Where to find more infOrmation
cwnR S cystem management and security guil
9.1 Systems management guidelines
9.1.1 Managing your WcbSphere Commcrcc Site
9.1.2 WebSphere resource management
9.2 Systcms managemcnt product guidelines
9.2.1 WebSphere Application Scrvcr Administrators Consolc
9.2.2 Sitc Analyzer
9.2.3 WcbSphcrc Commcrcc Suitc
9.2.4 SecureWay Dircctory Managcmcnt
9.2.5 HTTP Scrvcr Managcmcnt
9.2.6 DB2 UDB Managcment
9.3 Sccurity guidcIincs
9.3.1 Physicalsystcms sccurity
9.3.2 Operahng systems security
9.3.3 NetWork security
9.3.4 Web aPplication security
9.3.5 WebSphere security modeland policy
9.3.6 HTTP single sign-on (SSO)
9.4 BackuP and recovery gUidelines
9.4.1 Using Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
94.2 APplication backuP and recovery
9.4.3 Guidelines for backup and recovery
9.5 Where to find more information
twmREE Aworking example
cwe lo Working examPle overview
cwe llRuntime environment-AIX platform
11.1 Remote DB2 database server installation
l11.1 Pre-installation requirements
11.1.2 Pre-installation steps
11.2 WebSphere Conunerce server installation
11.2.1 Pre-Installation requirements
11.2.2 Pre-installation steps
11.2.3 InstallIBM JDK V 1.1.8 fOr AIX
11.2.4 InstallIBM HTTP Server (Apache) fOr AlX V
11.2.5 InstallDB2 Client
11.2.6 InstallWebSphere Application Server
11.2.7 Installing IBM Net.Data for AIX V6.1
11.2.8 Installing WebSphere Commerce Suite V4.1
11.3 WebSphere Commerce Suite configuration
l13.1 Pre-configuration tasks
11.3.2 Create the WebSphere Commerce Suite Instance
11.3.3 Post-configuration steps
c-- la Development environment
12.1 WebSphere Comrnerce Suite test environment
12.2 WebSphere Commerce Studio
12.2.1 WebSphcre Conunerce StUdio overview
12.2.2 WebSpherc Comrnerce StUdio installation
12.2.3 VisualAge for Java configuration
12.3 C++ CGI development
cwnR la Create and publish a store
13.1 Create a store using Store Creator
13.2 Publishing a WebSphere Commerce Studio project
13.2.1 Defining the target publishing host
13.2.2 Configuring the target publishing host - AlX platform
13.2.3 Configuring the WebSphere Commerce server
13.2.4 Verifying the base store
13.3 Customizing a store
13.3.1 Add Category and Product data - massimport XML
13.3.2 Verify the example store
SecureWa ri
cereR 14 SecureWay Directory(LDAP)-AIX pl
14.1 Overview
14.1.1 What is a directory?
14.1.2 What is LDAP?
14.1.3 Why should I use LDAP?
14.1.4 IBM SecureWay Directory and WebSphere Commerce Suite
14.2 SecureWay Directory installation
14.2.1 Pre-installation requirements
14.2.2 IBM SecureWay Directory V3.1.1.2 fOr AIX installation
14.2:3 Installverification
14.3 SecureWay Directory configuration
14.3.1 Configure SecureWay Directory using a GUI
14.4 SecureWay Directory Server Administration
14.4.1 Start and stop the server
14.4.2 Add and delete suffixes
14.4.3 Add entries to the directory database
14.5 SecureWay Directory integration with WebSphere Commerce Suite
14.5.1 Configure WebSphere Commerce instance
14.5.2 Verify the configuration
14.6 SecureWay Directory SSlconfiguration
14.6.1 Prerequisites
14.6.2 SecureWay Directory SSlconfiguration
14.6.3 Security Verification
14.7 SecureWay Directory Management Tool(DMT)
14.7.1 Connecting to directOry servers
14.7.2 Display server properties
14.7.3 Administering schema object classes and attributes
14.7.4 Administering a directory tree
14.7.5 Administering directory entry ACLs
14.7.6 Troubleshooting
14.8 Where to find more infOrmation
cwnR ls Java technologies in WebSphere Commerce S
15.1 Overview of Java technologies in WebSphere Commerce Suite
15.1.1 JavaServer Page (JSP)
15.1.2 Java Servlets
15.1.3 JavaBeans
15.2 Configuring the WebSphere Application Server
15.3 JSP and bean example
15.3.1 Creating a JSP category list page template
15.3.2 Creating a JSP product list page template
15.3.3 Creating a JSP product page template
15.3.4 Testing JSPs
15.3.5 Deploying JSPs
15.3.6 JSP development recommeridations
15.4 Custom servlet and bean example
15.4.1 Creating a database query
15.4.2 Creating a bean and servlet
15.4.3 Modify the existing product display JSP
15.4.4 Publish the files under WebSphere Commerce Studio
15.4.5 Deploy the servlet under WebSphere Commerce Suite
15.4.6 Testing the new servlet and bean
15.4.7 Integrating into the store
15.4.8 Testing pages under the store
15.5 Where to find more infOrmation
cwnR le Personalization in WebSphere Commerce E
16.1 Personalization overview
16.1.1 Blaze Advisor Builder
16.2 Personalization examPle
16.2.1 Personalization worksheets
16.2.2 Test the store before personalization changes
16.2.3 Create the rule project and ruleflow
16.2.4 Create the ruleset and assign task
162.5 ComPile the rule project
16.2.6 Modify the net.data macro associated view task
16.2.7 Publish the project
16.2.8 WebSphere Commerce Suite personalization configuration
16.2.9 Test the store after the personalization changes
16.2.10 Maintain the rule project
16.3 Personalization debug tips
cereR l; Back-end integration using MQSeries XML
17.1 WebSphere Commerce Suite integration with MQSeries
17.1.1 MQSeries inbound XML
17.1.2 MQSeries outbound XML
17.2 MQSeries clientiserver runtime environment
17.2.1 MQSeries server V5.1 for AIX
17.3 MQSeries adapter
17.3.1 Pre-configuration of MQSeries adapter
17.3.2 Enable MQSeries adapter
17.3.3 Access controlfOr the MQSeries adapter
17.3.4 Enable MQSeries XMlmessages
1 7.4 MQSeries XMlmessage example
1 7.4.1 WebSphere Commerce inventory levelchecking example
17.5 MQSeries adapter debugging tips
17.6 Where to find more information
APPENDixA Runtime environment-Windows NT platforf
A.1 Remote DB2 database server installation
A.1.1 Pre-installation requirements
A.1.2 IBM DB2 UDB EE V6.1.0.6 instaIlation
A.2 WebSphere Commerce Suite installation
A.2.1 Pre-installation requirements
A.2.2 IBM JDK 1.1.7
A.2.3 InstallIBM HTTP Server V1.3.6.2 (Apache)
A.2.4 InstallIBM DB2 UDB EE V6.1.0.6
A.2.5 InstallWebSphere Application Server
A.2.6 lnstallIBM Net.Data V6.1
A.2.7 InstallWebSphere Commerce Suite
A.3 WebSphere Commerce Suite configuration
A.3.1 Configuration Pre-requisites
A.3.2 Configuring WebSphere Commerce Suite components
C T T.ri
mENDixB becureWay Directory(LDAP)-Windows NT I


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