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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術工業(yè)技術一般工業(yè)技術塑料、彈性體及復合材料手冊



定 價:¥95.00

作 者: 美Charles A.Harper著
出版社: 世界圖書出版公司北京公司
標 簽: 高分子材料 復合材料


ISBN: 9787506214582 出版時間: 1999-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 20cm 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  In recent years, the development of new and improved polymers and their application in new and improved products have led to almost unlimited product opportunities. In fact, there are probably few who would not rate this area of product growth as one of the most important industry growth areas. The impact of polymers:plas-tics, elastomers, and composites:in all of their material forms has been little short of phenomenal. New polymers and improvements in established polymer groups regularly extend the performance limits of plastics, elastomers, and composites.These achievements in polymer and plastic technology offer major benefits and opportunities for the myriad of products in which they can be used. With all of these achievements, however, a major impediment exists to the suc cessful use of plastics, elastomers, and composites in products. This impediment is the lack of fundamental understanding of plastics, elastomers, and composites by product designers. Along with this lack of understanding is the absence of a useful consolidated source of information, data. and guidelines that can be practically used by product designers, most of whom do not "speak plastics." The usual practice is to use random supplier data sheets and data tables for guidance. It is, therefore, the object of this handbook to present, in a single source, all of the fundamental infor-mation required to understand the large number of materials and material forms,and to provide the necessary data and guidelines for optimal use of these materials and forms in the broad range of industry products. At the same time, this handbook will be invaluable to the plastics industry in acquainting its specialists with product requirements for which they must develop, manufacture, and fabricate plastic mate-rials and forms.




Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Plastics and Elastomers
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Nature of Plastics
1.3 Polymer Structures and Polymerization Reactions
1.4 Plastic-Processing Methods and Design Guidelines
1.5 Plastic Properties
1.6 Thermosetting Plastics
1.7 Thermoplastics
1.8 Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics
1.9 Plastic Films and Tapes
1.10 Plastic Surface Finishing
1.11 Summary of Plastics
1.12 The Nature of Elastomers
Chapter 2. Laminates and Reinforced Plastic Materials and Processes
2.1 Laminates
2.2 Reinforced Plastics
2.3 Manufacturing Processes for Reinforced Plastics
2.4 Standards
Chapter 3. Advanced Composite Materials and Processes
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material Systems
3.3 Composite Fabrication Techniques
3,4 Overview of Mechanics of Composite Materials
3.5 Design of Composites
3.6 Composite Testing _
3.7 Safety Issues with Composite Materials
Chapter 4. Liquid and Low-Pressure Resin Systems
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Epoxies
4.3 Polyesters
4.4 Polyurethanes
4.5 Silicones
4.6 Cast Phenolics
4,7 Allylic Resins
4.8 Polybutadienes
4.9 Depolymerized Rubber
4.10 Polysulfide Rubber
4.11 Ethylene-Propylene Liquid Polymers / 4.58
4.12 Cast Nylon
4.13 Acrylics
4.14 Vinyl Plastisols
4.15 Cyclic Thermoplastics
4.16 Expanding Monomer
4.17 Vinyl Esters
4.18 Cyanate Esters
4.19 Photopolymers
Chapter 5. Thermoplastic Elastomers
5.1 Introduction
5.2 TPEs in the Rubber and Plastics Industries
5.3 Comparison ofTPEs andThermoset Rubbers
5.4 Chemistry, Morphology, and Properties of TPEs
5.5 Generic Classes of TPEs
5.6 Processing of TPEs
5.7 Applications and Markets forTPEs
5.8 The Recovery and Recycle of TPEs
5.9 Acknowledgments
Chapter 6. Protective and Decorative Coatings
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Ecology
6.3 Surface Preparation
6.4 Coating Selection
6.5 Coating Materials
6.6 Application Methods
6.7 Curing
6.8 Summary
Chapter 7. Joining of Plastics, Elastomers, and Composites
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Design of Joints
7.3 Test Methods
Chapter 8. Plastics in Pacding
Chapter 9. Elastormers and Engingeeting Thermoplastics for Automotive Applications
Chapter 10. Desing and Processing of Plastic Parts
Chapter 11.Pecycling Of Plastic Materials
Appendix A.Glossary of Terms and Definitions
Appendix B.Some Common Abbrevistions Ueed in the plastics
Appendix C.Important Properties for Designing with Plastics
Appendix D.Electrical Properties of Resing and Compounds
Appendix E.Electrial Propertics of Specififcations and Standards for Plastics and Composites


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