第一章 到美國出差的張先生 You are lucky!你真走運! This is too much !太多了! Why don’t you come and see us?你為什么不來 ? Would you like to refresh yourself?要不要上廁所? Would you attend the seminar?你可以來參加研討會嗎? I’m sorry.我很遺憾 Yes 好? We are not allowed to accept gifts。我們不能收受禮物。 Yes,we do!是的,我們會! It’s hard to say.這很難說。 I will be out of town.我將不在這里。 Do you have a Ph.D.?你是博士嗎? Yeah,right! 不要開玩笑了! 第2章 在辦公室遭誤解的王小姐 Yes,yes. 是,是…… Clearly I did not tell them.很明顯地我就是沒有告訴他們! We challenge change!我們反對變化! I am in charge of it.我負(fù)責(zé)這件事。 They report to me.他們是我的部下 Oh,no.That’s not true.幄!不,沒這回事。 You had better get it done.你最好把事情做完。 You are lying. 你說謊。 You are useless!你真沒用! You are welcome.不客氣。 第3章 在辦公室會錯意的李先生 She was naive.她經(jīng)驗不足。 I would. 要是我的話會這么做。 I could. 有必要的話我會。 I could!讓我來! Thanks to you!拜你所賜! Good for you!真服了你! I’d love to,but…我很樂意,但是…… He is a winner.沒用的家伙。 Oh,sure!怎么可能! I ean’t wait?。?)我真是迫不及待! I ean’t wait?。?)我等不及了! You might wan to tell him that.你應(yīng)該告訴他。 You might say that. 是啊。 That’s a good question.這叫我如何回答。 What a fire drill!手忙腳亂! Easy!放輕松! His boss dressed him down.他被上司痛斥一頓。 He is insecure.他感到不安。 Welcome to the club!同病相憐。 You shouldn’t have done that.(1)你不該那么做的。 You shouldn’t have done that?。?)不好意思讓你費心了! Of course,we do!沒這回事! 第4章 午餐時間 He is being retired.他被迫退休。 I wash my body.洗尸體? Virgin road 紅地毯? We are intimate.我們是密友 What kind of name is that?那是什么樣的名字? What is your middle name?中間的名字是? She is expecting.她懷孕了。 She can dish.說壞話 I feel sick.我想吐。 Drop by.順道來訪。 I’m only going skiing.我只去滑雪。 Whatever you say.悉聽尊便!/你盡管說吧! I have reservations.我有預(yù)約了。 You are a real politician.八面玲瓏 第5章 在工廠的林先生 That’s not good.很糟糕! Work harder !認(rèn)真一點。 Transparent透明的;顯而易見的 It may make it worse.可能會更糟 He is a practical joker.他是會惡作劇的人。 Oh,really!真的嗎? Why don’t you turn it on?你為什么不開? I want you to do it.我要你做這件事。 I will teach you.我會指導(dǎo)你? I will teach him a lesson.給他個教訓(xùn)。 Who did it?誰干的好事? Anyone can do that.每個人都做得到。 No excuses!不要找借口! I think.是這樣吧。 第6章 客戶與陳先生 We have evaluated your proposal.我們評估過你的企劃書。 Why don’t you concede? 你為什么不認(rèn)輸? Our views are parallel. 我們想法相近。 I will make myself available.我會挪出時間。 I am being canned.我被免職了。 I couldn’t possibly accept this!我承受不起。 第7章 下班后 You are a heavy drinker.你是個酒鬼。 He is infamous.他聲名狼藉。 He is an indifferent pianist.他是個平凡的鋼琴家。 I am ashamed. 我覺得很羞恥。 I played tennis once.我只打過一次網(wǎng)球。 All of my friends cannot…大家都不能? I would,but... 不好意思,很抱歉。 He should have called you.他應(yīng)該要打個電話給你。 I wouldn’t have done that.要是我就不會這么做。 Should you go to Boston… 如果你到波士頓…… I am available.我想要約會! A shot in the arm 助他一臂之力。 It’s his election to lose. 篤定當(dāng)選 He’s calling it a career.下臺一鞠躬 He’s history. 他是昨日黃花 He has drive. 沖勁十足 He is loaded. 他喝多了。 Lucky you! 真倒霉! 第8章 禁忌或沒禮貌的詞句 Are you a secretary?你是秘書嗎? I like blonde women!我喜歡金發(fā)女郎! Because you are a woman.因為你是女人。 A middle-aged woman. 中年婦女 You should take a rest.您年紀(jì)大了,要多保重。 My dog is as smart as you are!我的狗和你一樣聰明??? An African-American 非裔美國人 Physically challenged 身體不便 Darn!該死! Shit?。疎xcuse yourself!很沒禮貌! Oh,sugar!砂糖??? Index