Welcome to Chicken Soup for the Singles Soul/ For the first time in history,there are more single people than married people in our society. If you are reading this book,it is likely that you have never been married ,or have become divorced or widowed.This is a book that shares the love,the challenges and the unique joys of being single.Whether you are single by choice or by circumstance ,these stories will show you that you are not alone.When we started this book,our intention was to compile a collection of stories that would address the many types of single people from the twenty year-old never married man or woman,to the fifty-year old divorcee,to the eighty-year old widower. And we discovered that the opportunities and challenges facing this diverse group of people are numerousand often inspiring.For example, we included stories about being Single and Happy an unprecedented trend in our country. For the firsttime,many people are choosing to remain single for a lifetime -.-something that was almost inconceivable even twenty years ago.On the other hand, its impossible to talk about being single without addressing the desires that so many single people have regarding relationships. Many single people want to have a relationship ,and thats why we have included chapters on Dating and Finding Your Mate.Still others are in the process of letting go of a relation ship orgrieving the loss of a love.The stories in Single A gain deal with rebuilding life after divorce. The stories in Losing a Partner share experiences of healing after the death of a partner.Then there are single parents! Thirty three percent of all families in the United States are now headed by a single parent. We hope the stories in Single Parenting will touch the hearts of single mothers and fathers everywhere and eneour age them on their journey.One of the most rewarding aspects of working on this book has been discovering the strength and commitment many single people have to making their own lives fulfilling and enriching the lives of others. You will find their stories in our chapter on Making a Difference.We have also included stories about the incredible support available in many ways for single people. In our chapter We Are Not Alone,we see the support that often appears when least expected or in miraculous ways. In the chapter called Friends and Family, we see the power of the support that comes from the deep bonds of family and important friend ships.Finally,theres love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. While we often think of love in terms of a mar riage or intimate relationship,its very clear that love comes in many forms. And in a world where 50 percent of the population is now single, we recognize that love is not just for those in relationships. In fact,it is the common thread that binds the many different kinds of stories in Chicken Soup for the Singles Soul.So in the spirit of love,we offer this book to single people everywhere. No matter what your circumstance in life as a sing e person,we hope these stor es open your heart and give you a vision of lifes possibilities. May your path be filled with joy and the magical touch of love wherever you find it.
Acknowledgments Introduction 1.SINGLE AND HAPPY Room at the Table Vivian Eisenecher The Professor and the Soulmate Bryan Aubrey Is Fire Goddess Spelled with Two Ds? Linda Stafford Lessons from Aunt Grace Nardi Reeder Campion Seeing 20/20 Bill Asenjo Have Freedom,Will Travel Dawn McKenna The Visit C.J.Herrmann Fascination with Dree Megan Martin I Don't Even Know Your Name Jean C.Fulton Surviving the shipwreck Cara Wilson 2.DATING A-Head of the Game katie Mauro bowled Over Jan coleman Reply to Box 222B Barbara baumgardner New Year's Eve Dilemma Judith L.Robinson Dave Barry's Guide to finding a Mate On the Rocks A Good Catch The Surprise Date A Cure for cold Feet Dating Again Loving Henry The Last Date 3. FINDING YOUR MATE The Invitation How David and Lily Got Together The Moment It Happens The High School English Teacher Perennials Hope Is where the heart Is The Letter What's Your Sign? An Educated Woman Love at First Bite A hance of a Lifetime The Right One 4.MAKING A DIFFERENCE 5.SINGEL PARENTING 6.SINGLE AGAIN 7.LOSING A PARTNER 8.WE ARE NOT ALONE 9.FRIENDS AND FAMILY