Preface by Haalliday Preface by Chomsky Notes on Contributors Preface Introduction I Formal Semantics in Linguistics 1. The Development of Formal Semantics in Linguistic Theory BARBARA H.PARTEE H Generalized Quantifier Theory 2. The Semantics of Determiners EDWARD L. KEENAN 3. The Role of Situations in GenernliTed Quantifiers ROBIN COOPER III The Interface between Syntax and Semantics 4. The Syntax/Semantics Interface in Categorial Grammar PAULINE JACOBSON 5. Anaphora and Identity ROBERT FIENGO and ROBERT MAY 6. The Interpretation of Ellipsis SHALOM LAPPIN IV Anaphora, Discourse and Modality 7. Coreference and Modality JEROEN GROENENDIJK, MARTIN STOKHOF and FRANK VELTMAN 8. Anaphora in Intensional Contexts CRAIGE ROSERTS 9. Quantification, Quantificational Domains and Dynamic Logic JEAN MARK GAWRON V Focus, Presupposition and Negation 10. Focus MATS Room 11. Presupposition and Implicature LAURENCE R. HORN 12. Negation and Polarity Items WILLIAM A. LADUSAW VI Tense 13. Tense and Modality MURVET ENC VII Questions 14. The Semantics of Questions JAMES HIGGINBOTHAM 15. Interrogatives: Questions, Facts and Dialogue JONATHAN GINZBURG VIII Plurals 16. Plurality FRED LANDMAN IX Computational Semantics 17. Computational Semantics - Linguistics and Processing JOHN NERBONNE X Lexical Semantics 18. Lexical Semantics and Syntactic Structure BETH LEVIN and MAUCA RAPPAPORT HOVAV XI Semantics and Related Domains 19. Semantics and Logic GILA Y. SHER 20. Semantics and Cognition RAY JACKENDOFF 21. Semantics, Pragmatics, and Natural-Language Interpretation RUTH M. KEMPSON 22. Semantics in Linguistics and Philosophy: An Intensionalist Perspective JERROLD J. KATZ References Index