Preface SECTIONⅠ.HUMAN PREGNANCY 1.Obstetrics in Broad Perspective 2.Pregnancy:Overview,Organization,and Diagnosis 3.Anatomy of the Reproductive Tract SECTIONⅡ.PHYSIOLOGY OF PREGNANCY 4.The Endometrium and Decidua:Menstruation and Pregnancy 5.The Placenta and Fetal Membranes 6.The Placental Hormones 7.Featal Growth and Development 8.Maternal Adaptations to Pregnancy SECTIONⅢ.PREGNANCY PLANNING AND ANTEPARTUM MANAGEMENT 9.Preconceptional Counseling 1.Prenatal Care SECTONⅣ.NORMAL LABOR AND DELIVERY 11.Parturition 12.Mechanisms of Normal Labor 13.Conduct of Normal Labor and Delivery 14.Intrapartum Assessment 15.Analgesia and Anesthesia 16.The Newborn Infant 17.The Puerperium SECTIONⅤ.ABNORMAL LABOR 18.Dystocia:Abnormal Labor and Fetopelvic Disproportion 19.Dystocia:Abnormal Presentation,Position,and Development of the Fetus 2.Induction and Augmentaition of Labor SECTIONⅥ.OPERATIVE OBSTETRICS 21.Forceps Delivery and Vacuum Extraction 22.Breech Presentation and Delibery 23.Cesarean Section and Postpartum Hysterectomy SECTIONⅦ.COMMON COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY 24.Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy 25.Obstetrical Hemorrhage 26.Puerperal Infection 27.Preterm Birth 28.Postterm Pregnancy 29.Fetal Growth Disorders 3.Multifetal Pregnancy SECTIONⅧ.PLACENTAL DISORDERS 31.Abnormalities of the Fetal Menbranes and Amniocic Fluid 32.Diseases and Abnormalitise of the Placenta SECTIONⅨ.REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS AND FAILURE 33.Abnortion 34.Ectopic Pregnancy 35.Abnormalities of the Reproductive Tuact SECTIONⅩ.FETAL ABNORMALITIES:INHERITED AND ACQUIERD DISORDERS 36.Genetics 37.Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy 38.Teratology,Drugs,and Medications 39.Diseases and Injuries of the Fetus and Newborn SECTIONⅪ.TECHNIQUES USED TO ASSESS FETAL HEALTH 4.Antepartum Assessment 41.Ultrasound and Doppler SECTIONⅫ.MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COMPLICATIONS IN PERGNANCY 42.General Considerations and Maternal Evaluation 43.Critical Care and Trauma 44.Cardiovascular Diseases 45.Chronic Hypertension 46.Pulmonary Disorders 47.Renal and Urinary Disorders 48.Gastrointsetinal Disorders 49.Hematological Disorders 5.Endocrine Desorders 51.Diabetes 52.Connective-Tissue Disorders 53.Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders 54.Dermatological Disorders 55.Neoplastic Diseases 56.Infections 57.Sexually Transmitted Diseases SECTIONⅫ.FAMILY PLANNING 58.Contraception 59.Steriliaztion Index