Part One The United States ChapterⅠ Geographical features ahd natural resources ChapterⅡ American population ChapterⅢ Discovery and colonization of the new world ChapterⅣ American revolution ChapterⅤ The confederation and the constitution ChapterⅥ American expansion and the civil war ChapterⅦ Reconstruction and the Birth of US Imperialism ChapterⅧ World war I and the Depression ChapterⅨ America During and After World War Ⅱ ChapterⅩ The Federal System and Congress ChapterⅪ The President and the Judiciary ChapterⅫ Political Parties and Elections ChapterⅩⅢ American Education ChapterⅩⅣ The Mass Media ChapterⅩⅤ American Family and Character Part Two The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Appendixes References