SECTION I Introduction 1 General Thoracic Surgery:History and Development 2 Pulmonary Physiology 3 Pulmonary Fuinction Testing:AParcatical Approach 4 Preioeratuve Assessnebt of the Thoracic Surgical Patient:A Surgeon's 5 Anesthesia 6 Endoscopy 7 Open Lung Biopsy 8 Thoracic Incisions 9 Perioperative Management 10 Mechanical Ventilatory Assistance 11 Late comlications SECTION II Larynx and Upper Airway 12 Anatomuy,physiolgy and Embryology 13 Anesthesia for Airway Surgery 14 Endoscopy 15 Benign Conditions 16 Laryngeal Nerve Palsy 17 Acquire Tracheoesophageal Fistula 18 Upper Airway Tumors 19 Surgical Techniques SECTION III Lung SECTION IV Pleura SECTION V Chest Wall and Sternum SECTION VI Diaphragm SECTION VII Mediastinum SECTION VIII Trauma Index