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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語(yǔ)英語(yǔ)詞匯/語(yǔ)法/閱讀柯林斯COBUILD基礎(chǔ)英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法



定 價(jià):¥25.00

作 者: (英)DaveWillis,(英)JonWright編著
出版社: 上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社
叢編項(xiàng): 柯林斯COBUILD英語(yǔ)詞典系列
標(biāo) 簽: 語(yǔ)法

ISBN: 9787810469463 出版時(shí)間: 2000-11-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 30cm 頁(yè)數(shù): 238 字?jǐn)?shù):  






    Cycle 1
   Unit 1 Am/is/are
   Unit 2 Present continuous
   Unit 3 Present simple
   Unit 4 Do/does and have/has in
   questions and negatives
   Unit 5 Present perfect (1)
   Unit 6 Present perfect (2)
   UPit 7 Was/were
   UPit 8 Past simple
   Unit 9 Past continuous
   Unit 10 Past perfect
   Unit 11 Present tenses used for the future
   Unit l2 Will and going to
   Unit 13 There
   Unit 14 What ...?
   Unit 15 Wh-questions
   Unit 16 Count nouns
   Unit 17 Slngular, plural and collective nouns
   Unit 18 Uncount nouns
   Unit 19 A/an/some
   Unit 20 The
   Unit 2l Other uses of the
   Unit 22 Possessives
   Unit 23 Oemonstrative adjectives
   Unit 24 Personal pronouns
   Unit 25 This, that, these, those, one,ones
   Unit 26 Possessive pronouns
   Unit 27 Adverbials of time
   Unit 28 Adverbiais of probability and degree
   Unit 29 Adverbials of duration
   Unit 30 in/on/at (time)
   Review: Cycle 1 -
   Units 1-30
   Cyclo 2
   Unit 31 May/might (possibility)
   Unit 32 Can/could/be able to
   (possibility and ability)
   Unit 33 Can/could/will/would (offers and requests)
   Unit 34 Would like/want (wants and wishes)
   Unit 35 Have to/have got to/must/mustn't (obligation)
   Unit 36 Should/ought/had better
   Unit 37 impersonal it
   Unit 38 Verbs with two objects
   Unit 39 Make and do
   Unit 40 Uncount nouns (2)
   Unit 41 Quantifiers (1) - patterns with of
   Unit 42 quantifiers (2)
   Unit 43 Quantifiers (3) - few; a few;any
   Unit 44 Nouns to describe other nouns
   Unit 45 Expressions of place
   Unit 46 Expressions of time
   Unit 47 Adverbs of manner
   Unit 48 At/in (place)
   Unit 49 Prepositions with forms of transport
   Review: Cycle 2 -
   Units 31--49
   General review A:
   Cycles 1 and 2
   Unit 50 Should/ought/must/can't(probabllity)
   Unit 51 Can/could/may/need(requests and permission)
   Unit 52 Likes/dislikes/invitations
   Unit 53 Saying and thinking(+ object) + to + lnfInltive
   Unit 54 Make/help + plaln infinitive
   Unit 55 Verbs of perception + object+inflnitlve/-ing
   Unit 56 Delexical verbs (give/take/have/go)
   Unit 57 Phrasal verbs
   Unit 58 PhrasaI verbs 2
   Unit 59 Verbs with prepositions
   Unit 60 Reflexive verbs
   Unit 61 -ing and -ed adjectives
   Unit 62 Indefinite pronouns
   Unit 63 Comparatives
   Unit 64 The -est; than; as... as...
   Unit 65 So/such
   Review: Cycle 3 -
   Units 5O--65
   General revlew B: Cycle 1
   GeneraI review C: Cycle 2
   General revlew O: Cycle 3
   Cycle 4
   Unit 66 Verbs not used in
   continuous tenses
   Unit 67 The passive
   Unit 68 Reporting the past
   Unit 69 Short answers
   Unit 70 question tags
   Unit 71 T00/either/so/neither
   Unit 72 Defining relatives
   Unit 73 Adjectives with to clauses
   Unit 74 Too/enough
   Unit 75 Present tenses with if, When etc
   Unit 76 Past tense with wish and if
   Unit 77 Purpose and reason
   Unit 78 Result
   Unit 79 Contrast and comparlson
   Unit 80 Describing cIauses
   Review: Cycle 4 -
   Unlts 66-8O
   General revlew E
   Numbers Practice


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