PREFACE Six years have elapsed since publication of the first editions of Thoracic Surgery and Esophageal Surgery. In these second editions, all original chapters have been updatedand a significant number of new chapters added. Important additions include
Color Insert follows page xx. SECTION Ⅰ Introduction 1 The Historical Evolution of Esophageal Surgery 2 Anatomy,Embryology ,and Histology 3 Physiology SECTION Ⅱ Investigation of Esophageal Disease 4 Clinical Features 5 Imaging 6 Esophagoscopy 7 Function Tests SECTION Ⅲ Pediatric Disorders 8 Congenital Anomalies 9 Vascular Rings SECTION Ⅳ Hiatal Hernia,Gastroesophageal Reflux,and Other Conditioms 10 Pathophysiology of Hiatal Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux 11 Medical Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 12 Indications for Surgical Rdferral for Hiatal Hernia and Gastroenterologist's Viewpoint 13 Indications for Hiatal Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux:The Surgeon's Perspective 14 Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants and Children 15 Peptic Esophagitis,Stricture,and Short Esophagus 16 Massive (Paraesophageal)Hiatal Hernia 17 The Columnar-Lined Esophagus 18 Rings and Webs SURGICAL TECHNIQUES 19 Dilation of Peptic Esophageal Strictures 20 Open Nissen Fundoplication 21 Belsey Marke IV Repair 22 The Hill Repair 23 Dor and Toupet Repairs …… SECTION Ⅴ Neuromuscular Disorder SECTION Ⅵ Trauma SECTION Ⅶ Neoplasms SECTION Ⅷ Operative Techniques Index