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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語商務英語電子商務英語(電子商務專業(yè))



定 價:¥14.60

作 者: 朱超,尹小瑩,汪治編
出版社: 高等教育出版社
叢編項: 高等職業(yè)教育教材
標 簽: 商務英語

ISBN: 9787040104776 出版時間: 2002-07-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 26cm 頁數(shù): 126 字數(shù):  






Unit 1 : Internet Era and Electronic Business
Lesson l: What is electronic business (EB)
Lesson 2: What is Internet?
Lesson 3: Do business in the Internct era
Reading Material l : Tlle development of EB in Internet era
Unit 2: The Important Premise and Conditions of EB
Lesson 4: 1he Internet service provider
Lesson 5: What is Web?
Lesson 6: The software for further exploring of Web
Lesson 7: The EB environment
Reading Material 2: Log-on speed and band-wide
Unit 3: The Security of EB
Lesson 8: Something worried in EB application
Lesson 9: Firewall
Lesson 1O: Encryption and authentication
Reading Material 3 : The counternmeasures of EB security
Unit 4: The Mechanism for Internet Payments
Lesson 11 : The Internet payment and the SET protocol
Lesson 12: E-Bank
Reading Material 4 : Why isn`t E-cash a common currency?
Unit 5, B2C E-Business
Lesson 13: E-comerce and its customers
Lesson 14: The market strategies of E-shops
Reading Material 5 : Two pieces of news about e-commerce
Unit 6: B2B E-Business
Lesson 15 : Intranet,extranet and virtual enterprises
Lesson 16: The development of Intranet software
Reading Material 6 : The management of on-line customer asset and the sales force
APPENDIX 1 課文參考譯文
APPENDIX 2 Vocabulary


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