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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語日語機電專業(yè)英語(李鵬飛 國家規(guī)劃)

機電專業(yè)英語(李鵬飛 國家規(guī)劃)

機電專業(yè)英語(李鵬飛 國家規(guī)劃)

定 價:¥14.30

作 者: 李鵬飛主編
出版社: 高等教育出版社
標 簽: 專業(yè)英語


ISBN: 9787040101287 出版時間: 2002-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 26cm 頁數(shù): 160 字數(shù):  




暫缺《機電專業(yè)英語(李鵬飛 國家規(guī)劃)》作者簡介


Unit 1 Introduction to Modern Manufacturing
Text A: What is Manufacturing? 
Text B: Automated Factory and Automatic Factory
Listening and Speaking
Unit 2 Simple Machines and Tools
Text A: What Do the Simple Machines Mean?
Text B: Tools and Machines 
Listening and Speaking
Unit 3 Basic Principles of Machining
Text A: Fundamentals of Machining
Text B: Lathe 
Listening and Speaking
Unit 4 Metal Cutting and Machining Equipment
Text A: Cutting of Metals and Formation of Chips 
Text B: Turning, Drilling, Boring, and Milling Machine Tools
Listening and Speaking
Unit 5 Numerical Control and NC Tools
Text A: Numerical Control 
Text B: Numerical Control Tools
Listening and Speaking
Unit 6 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Text A: What is Computer Integrated Manufacturing? (A)
Text B: What is Computer Integrated Manufacturing? (B)
Listening and Speaking
Uni 7 Industrial Robots and Robotics
Text A: Industrial Robots 
Text B: The Meaning of Quality
Listening and Speaking
Unit 8 Automation in Manufacturing
Text A: Automation and Robots
Text B: Weight Reduction by Computer
Listening and Speaking 
Unit 9 Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Text A: Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Text B: Computerized Control of CIM
Listening and Speaking
Unit 10 Mechatronics and the Future of Manufacturing
Text A: What is Mechatronics 
Text B: The Future Factory Is Digital
Listening and Speaking


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