Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementor of C++ and the author of the C++ Programming Language( first edition 1985, second edition 1991, third edition 1997) The Annotated C++ Refernce manual, and The Design and Evolution of C++. A graduate of the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and Cambridge University, England, Dr.Stroustrup is currently the head of At &T Labs Large-Scale Programming Research Department, and AT&T Fellow, and AT&T Bell Laboratories Fellow, and an ACM fellow. His research interests include distributed systems, operating systems, simulation, design, and programming. He is Editor for Addison-Wesleys C++ In-Depth Series.
Preface to First Edition Introductory Material 1 Notes to the Reader 2 A Tour of C++ 3 A Tour of the Standard Library Part I: Basic Facilities 4 Types and Declarations 5 Pointers, Arrays, and Structures 6 Expressions and Statements 7 Functions 8 Namespaces and Exceptions 9 Source Files and Programs Part II: Abstraction Mechanisms 10 Classes 11 Operator Overloading 12 Derived Classes 13 Templates 14 Exception Handling 15 Class Hierarchies Part III: The Standard Library 16 Library Organization and Containers 17 Standard Containers 18 Algorithms and Function Objects 19 Iterators and Allocators 20 Strings 21 Streams 22 Numerics Part IV: Design Using C++ 23 Development and Design 24 Design and Programming 25 Roles of Classes Appendices A The C++ Grammar B Compatibility C Technicalities D Locales E Standard Library Exception Safety Index