Tom M.Mitchell是卡內(nèi)基梅隆大學教授,目前擔任該校自動學習和發(fā)現(xiàn)中心主任。他還是美國人工智能協(xié)會的主席,并且是《Machine Learning》雜志和國際機器學習會議的創(chuàng)辦者。
Preface Acknowledgments 1 Introduction 1.1 Well-Posed Learning Problems 1.2 Designing a Learning System 1.2.1 Choosing the Training Experience 1.2.2 Choosing the Target Function 1.2.3 Choosing a Representation for the Target Function 1.2.4 Choosing a Function Approximation Algorithm 1.2.5 The Final Design 1.3 Perspectives and Issues in Machine Learning 1.3.1 Issues in Machine Learning 1.4 How to Read This Book 1.5 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 2 Concept Learning and the General-to-Specific Ordering 2.1 Introduction 2.2 A Concept Learning Task 2.2.1 Notation 2.2.2 The Inductive Learning Hypothesis 2.3 Concept Learning as Search 2.3.1 General-to-Specific Ordering of Hypotheses 2.4 FIND-S: Finding a Maximally Specific Hypothesis 2.5 Version Spaces and the CANDIDATE-ELIMINATION Algorithm 2.5.1 Representation 2.5.2 The LIST-THEN-ELIMINATE Algorithm 2.5.3 A More Compact Representation for Version Spaces 2.5.4 CANDIDATE-ELIMINATION Lsarning Algorithm 2.5.5 AR Illustrative Example 2.6 Remarks on Version Spaces and CANOIDATE-ELIMINATION 2.6.1 Will the CANDIDATE-ELIMINATION Algorithm Converge to the Correct Hypothesis? 2.6.2 What Training Example Should the Leamer Request Next? 2.6.3 How Can Panially Leamed Concepts Be Used? 2.7 Inductive Bias 2.7.1 A Biased Hypothesis Space 2.7.2 An Unbiased Learner 2.7.3 The Futility of Bias-Free Learning 2.8 Summary and Further Reading Excercises References 3 Decision Tree Learning 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Decision Tree Representation 3.3 Appropriate problems for Decision Tree Learning 3.4 The Basic Decision Tree Leaming Algorithm 3.4.1 Which Attribute Is the Best Classifier? 3.4.2 An Illustrative Example 3.5 Hypothesis Space Search in Decision Tree Leaming 3.6 Inductive Bias in Decision Tree Learning 3.6.1 Restriction Biases and Preference Biases 3.6.2 Why Prefer Shon Hypotheses? 3.7 Issues in Decision Tree Lsarning 3.7.1 Avoiding Overfitting the Data 3.7.2 Incorporating Continuous-Valued Attributes 3.7.3 Alternative Measures for Selecting Attributes 3.7.4 Handling Training Examples witll Missing Attribute Values 3.7.5 Handling Attributes with Differing Costs 3.8 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 4 Artificial Neural Networks 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Biological Motivation 4.2 Neural Network Representations 4.3 Appropriate Ptoblems for Neural Network Learning 4.4 Perceptrons 4.4.1 Represenational Power of Perceptrons 4.4.2 The Perceptron Training Rule 4.4.3 Gradient Descent and the Delta Rule 4.4.4 Remarks 4.5 Multilayer Networks and the BACKPROPAOATION Algorithm 4.5.1 A Differentiable Threshold Unit 4.5.2 The BACKPROPAGAUON Algorithm 4.5.3 Derivation of the BACKPROPAGATION Rule 4.6 Remarks on the BACKPROPAGATION Algorithm 4.6.1 Convergence and Local Minima 4.6.2 Representational Power of Feedforward Networks 4.6.3 Hypothesis Space Search and Inductive Bias 4.6.4 Hidden Layer Representations 4.6.5 Generalization, Overfitting, and Stopping Criterion 4.7 An Illusuative Example: Face Recognition 4.7.1 The Task 4.7.2 Design Choices 4.7.3 Lsarned Hidden Representations 4.8 Advanced Topics in Artificial Neural Networks 4.8.1 Altemative Error Functions 4.8.2 Altemative Error Minimization Procedures 4.8.3 Recument Networks 4.8.4 Dynamically Modifying Network Structure 4.9 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 5 Evaluating Hypotheses 5.1 Motivation 5.2 Estimating Hypothesis Accuracy 5.2.1 Sample Error and True Error 5.2.2 Confidence Intervals for Discrete-Valued Hypotheses 5.3 Basics of Sampling Theory 5.3.1 Error Estimation and Estimating Binomial Proportions 5.3.2 The Binomial Distribution 5.3.3 Mean and Variance 5.3.4 Estimators, Bias, altd Variance 5.3.5 Confidence Intervals 5.3.6 Two-Sided and One-Sided Bounds 5.4 A General Approach for Deriving Confidence Intervals 5.4.1 Central Limit Theorem 5.5 Difference in Error of Two Hypotheses 5.5.1 Hypothesis Testing 5.6 Comparing Learning Algorithms 5.6.1 Paired t Tests 5.6.2 Practical Considerations 5.7 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 6 Bayesian Learning 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Bayes Theorem 6.2.1 An Example 6.3 Bayes Theorem and Concept Learning 6.3.1 Brute-Force Bayes Concept Learning 6.3.2 MAP Hypotheses and Consistent Lsarners 6.4 Maximum Likelihood and Least-Squared Error Hypotheses 6.5 Maximum Likelihood Hypotheses for Predicting Probabilities 6.5.1 Gradient Search to Maximize Likelihood in a Neural Net 6.6 Minimum Description Length Principle 6.7 Bayes Optimal Classifier 6.8 Gibbs Algorithm 6.9 Naive Bayes Classifier 6.9.1 An Illustrative Example 6.10 An Example: Learning to Classify Text 6.10.1 Experimental Results 6.11 Bayesian Belief Networks 6.11.1 Conditional Independence 6.11.2 Representation 6.11.3 Inference 6.11.4 Leaming Bayesian Belief Networks 6.11.5 Gradient Ascent Training of Bayesian Networks 6.11.6 Leanling the Suucture of Bayesian Networks 6.12 The EM Algorithm 6.12.1 Estimating Means of k Gaussians 6.12.2 Oeneral Statement of EM Algorithm 6.12.3 Derivation of the k Means Algorithm 6.13 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 7 Computational Leaming Theory 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Probably Learning an Approximately Correct Hypothesis 7.2.1 The Problem Setting 7.2.2 Error of a Hypothesis 7.2.3 PAC Leamability 7.3 Sample Complexity for Finite Hypothesis Spaces 7.3.1 Agnostic Leaming and Inconsistent Hypotheses 7.3.2 Conjunctions of Boolean Literals Are PAC-Learnable 7.3.3 PAC-Learnability of Other Concept Classes 7.4 Sample Complexity for Infinite Hypothesis Spaces 7.4.1 Shattering a Set of Instances 7.4.2 The Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension 7.4.3 Sample Complexity and the VC Dimension 7.4.4 VC Dimension for Neural Networks 7.5 The Mistake Bound Model of Learning 7.5.1 Mistake Bound for the FIND-S Algorithm 7.5.2 Mistake Bound for the HALVING Algorithm 7.5.3 Optimal Mistake Bounds 7.5.4 WEIGHTED-MAJORITY Algorithm 7.6 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 8 Instance-Based Learning 8.1 Introduction 8.2 k-NEAREST NEIGHBOR LEARNING 8.2.1 Distance-Weighted NEAREST NEIGHBOR Algorithm 8.2.2 Remarks on k-NEAREST NEIGHBOR Algorithm 8.2.3 A Note on Terminology 8.3 Locally Weighted Regression 8.3.1 Locally Weighted Linear Regression 8.3.2 Remarks on Locally Weighted Regression 8.4 Radial Basis Functions 8.5 Case-Based Reasoning 8.6 Remarks on Lazy and Eager Learning 8.7 Summary an Exercises References 9 Genetic Algorithms 9.1 Modvadon 9.2 Genetic Algorithms 9.2.1 Representing Hypotheses 9.2.2 Genetic Operators 9.2.3 Fialess Function and Selection 9.3 An Illusuative Example 9.3.1 Extensions 9.4 Hypothesis Space Search 9.4.1 Population Evolution and the Schema Theorem 9.5 Oenetic Programming 9.5.1 Representing Programs 9.5.2 Illustrative Example 9.5.3 Remarks on Genetic Programming 9.6 Models of Evolution and Learning 9.6.1 Lamarckian Evolution 9.6.2 Baldwin Effect 9.7 Parallelizing Genetic Algorithms 9.8 Summary and Furaler Reading Exercises References 10 Learning Sets of Rules 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Sequential Covering Algorithms 10.2.1 General to Specific Beam Search 10.2.2 Variations 10.3 Learning Rule Sets: Summary 10.4 Learning First-Order Rules 10.4.1 First-Order Horn Clauses 10.4.2 Terminology 10.5 Learning Sets of First-Order Rules: FOIL 10.5.1 Generating Candidate Specializations in FOIL 10.5.2 Guiding the Search in FOIL 10.5.3 Learning Recursive Rule Sets 10.5.4 Summary of FOIL 10.e Induction as Invened Deduction 10.7 Inverting Resolution 10.7.1 First-Order Resolution 10.7.2 Inverting Resolution: First-Order Case 10.7.3 Summary of Inverse Resolution 10.7.4 Generalization, 0-Subsumption, and Entailment 10.7.5 PROGOL 10.8 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 11 Analytical Leaming 11.1 Introduction 11.1.1 Inductive and Analytical Leaming Problems 11.2 Learning with Perfect Domain Theories: PROLOG-EBG 11.2.1 An Illustrative Trace 11.3 Remarks on Explanation-Based Learning 11.3.1 Discovering New Features 11.3.2 Deductive Learning 11.3.3 Inductive Bias in Explanation-Based Learning 11.3.4 Knowledge Level Learning 11.4 Explanation-Based Learning of Search Control Knowledge 11.5 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 12 Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning 12.1 Motivation 12.2 Inductive-Analytical Approaches to Learning 12.2.1 The Learning Problem 12.2.2 Hypothesis Space Search 12.3 Using Prior Knowledge to lnitialize the Hypothesis 12.3.1 The KBANN Algorithm 12.3.2 An Illustrative Example 12.3.3 Remarks 12.4 Using prior Knowledge to Alter the Search Objective 12.4.1 The TANGENTPROP Algorithm 12.4.2 An Illustrative Example 12.4.3 Remarks 12.4.4 The EBNN Algorithm 12.4.5 Remarks 12.5 Using prior Knowledge to Augment Search Operators 12.5.1 The FOCL Algorithm 12.5.2 Remarks 12.6 State of the Art 12.7 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References 13 Reinforcement Learning 13.1 Introduction 13.2 The Learning Task 13.3 Q Learning 13.3.1 The Q Function 13.3.2 An Algorithm for Learning Q 13.3.3 An Illustrative Example 13.3.4 Convergence 13.3.5 Experimentation Strategies 13.3.6 Updating Sequence 13.4 Nondeterministic Rewards and Actions 13.5 Temporal Difference Learning 13.6 Oeneralizing from Examples 13.7 Relationship to Dynamic Pro 13.8 Summary and Further Reading Exercises References Appendix Notation Indexes Author Index Subject Index