CHAPTER 1 Language and Linguistics: an Overview 1.1 What is language? 1 1.2 Features of human language 2 1.3 Functions of language 5 1.4 Types of language 6 1.4.1 Natural languages and artificial languages 1.4.2 Genetic classification of languages 1.4.3 The typological classification of languages 1.5 The myth of language: language origin 8 1.6 Linguistics: the scientific study of language 9 1.6.1 Linguistics as a science 1.6.2 Branches of linguistics 1.6.3 Features of modern linguistics TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES / QUESTIONS 13 MINI-PROJECTS 13 CHAPTER 2 Phonetics: the Study of Speech Sounds 2.1 The study of speech sounds 14 2.2 The sound-producing mechanism 14 2.3 Phonetic transcription of speech sounds 16 2.3.1 Unit of representation 2.3.2 Phonetic symbols 2.4 Description of English consonants 17 2.5 Description of English vowels 19 2.6 Phonetic features and natural classes 21 TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES / QUESTIONS 22 MINI-PROJECTS 23 CHAPTER 3 Phonology: the Study of Sound Systems and Patterns 24 3.1 The study of sound systems and patterns 24 3.2 Phonemes and allophones 24 3.3 Discovering phonemes 25 3.3.1 Contrastive distribution 3.3.2 Complementary distribution 3.3.3 Free variation 3.3.4 The discovery procedure 3.4 Distinctive features and non-distinctive features 27 3.5 Phonological rules 28 3.6 Syllable structure 29 3.7 Sequence of phonemes 30 3.8 Features above segments 31 3.8.1 Stress 3.8.2 Intonation 3.8.3 Tone 3.8.4 The functioning of stress and intonation in English TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES / QUESTIONS 33 MINI-PROJECTS 35 CHAPTER 4 Morphology: the Study of Word Structure 36 4.1 Words and word structure 36 4.2 Morpheme: the minimal meaningful unit of language 36 4.3 Classification of morphemes 37 4.3.1 Free and bound morphemes 4.3.2 Inflectional and dedvational morphemes 4.4 Formation of English words 38 4.4.1 Derivation 4.4.2 Compounding 4.4.3 Other types of English word formation TUTORIALACTIVITIES / QUESTIONS 43 MINI-PROJECTS 44 CHAPTER 5 Syntax: the Analysisis Sentence Structure 45 5.1 Grammaticality 45 5.2 Knowledge of sentence structure 46 5.3 Different approaches to syntax 47 5.4 Transformational-generative grammar(TG) 49 5.4.1 The goal of a TG grammar 5.4.2 Syntactic categories 5.4.3 Phrase structure rules 5.4.4 Tree diagrams 5.4.5 Recursion and the infinitude of language 5.4.6 Sub-categorization of the lexicon 5.4.7 Transformational rules 5.5 Systemic-functional grammar 60 5.5.1 Two perspectives of syntactic analysis: chain and choice 5.5.2 The three metafunctions 5.5.3 Transitivity: syntactic structure as representation of experience 5.5.4 Mood and modality: syntactic structure as representation of interaction 5.5.5 Theme and rheme: syntactic structure as organization of message TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES / QUESTIONS 69 MINI-PROJECTS 72 CHAPTER 6 Semantics: the Analysis of Meaning 73 6.1 The study of meaning 73 6.2 Reference and sense 74 6.2.1 Reference 6.2.2 Sense 6.3 Classification of iexical meanings 75 6.3.1 Referential meaning and associative meaning 6.3.2 Types of associative meaning 6.4 Lexical sense relations 77 6.4.1 Synonymy 6.4.2 Antonymy 6.4.3 Homonymy 6.4.4 Polysemy 6.4.5 Hyponymy 6.5 Describing lexical meaning: componential analysis 80 6.6 Words and concepts 81 6.6.1 Categorization 6.6.2 Prototypes 6.6.3 Hierarchies 6.7 Semantic relations of sentences 83 6.8 Metaphors 85 6.8.1 From rhetorical device to cognitive device 6.8.2 The components of metaphors 6.8.3 Features of metaphors TUTORIALACTIVITIES / QUESTIONS 89 MINI-PROJECTS 92 CHAPTER 7 Pragmatlcs: the Analysis of Meaning in Context 93 7.1 The pragmatic analysis of meaning 93 7.2 Deixis and reference 94 7.3 Speech acts 96 7.4 Cooperation and implicature 98 7.5 The politeness principle 99 7.6 The principle of relevance 101 7.7 Conversational structure 103 TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES / QU ESTIONS 106 MINI-PROJECTS 107 CHAPTER 8 Language in Social Contexts 108 8.1 Sociolinguistic study of language 108 8.2 Varieties of a language 108 8.3 Grades of formality 111 8.4 Languages in contact 112 8.5 Taboos and euphemisms 113 8.6 Language and culture 114 8.7 Communicative competence 116 TUTORIALACTIVITIES/QUESTIONS 117 MINI-PROJECTS 117 CHAPTER 9 Second LanguageAcquisltion 118 9.1 What is second language acquisition? 118 9.2 Factors affecting SLA 119 9.3 Analyzing learners language 122 9.4 Explaining second language acquisition 124 TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES /QUESTIONS 127 MINI-PROJECTS 128 CHAPTER 10 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching 129 10.1 Foreign language teaching as a system 129 10.2 Contribution of linguistics: applications and implications 131 10.3 Linguistic underpinning of syllabus design 132 10.4 Method as integration of theory and practice 133 10.5 Linguistics in the professional development of language teachers 136 TUTORIAL ACTIVITIES / QUESTIONS 137 MINI-PROJECTS 139 Appendix I Families I Groups of Languages 140 Appendix II The Indo-European Language Family 142 Bibliography 144 Suggested Solutions to Tutorial Questions 148 An English-Chinese Glossary 156