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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語英語讀物英語幽默大觀(第二集)



定 價:¥24.00

作 者: 呂志士等主編
出版社: 中國國際廣播出版社
標 簽: 英語 笑話

ISBN: 9787507800371 出版時間: 1991-07-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 19cm 頁數(shù): 179頁 字數(shù):  






1.Clever Black Hens
2.A Good Deed
3.The Teacher’S Notation
4.Heat and Cold
5.It Doesnt Matter
6.Dead or Alive?
7.Wonderful Science
8.The Weight
9.God Said
10.A Parrot
11.Horrible Stories
12.The Pot Died
13.They Are in My Hand
14.He’S Broken My Toy
15.The Third Chicken
16.My FatherIs Speaking
18.The Excuse
19.Say That to Herself
20.A Liar
21.A Good Cllild
22.The Professors Lunch
23.How Old Are You?
24.Tlle Only Cake
25.The Lost Ring
26.Who Knows?
27.The Exact Length
28.Stick the Stamp on Yourself
29.An Umbrella
30.Are FIies Good to Eat?
31.Was It a Horse?
32.The Best and the Poorest
33.Six Auswers to One Problem
34.The Look of the Letter G
35.Tbe Location of the Nile
36.Did You Put Out the Light?
37.Its Because
38.Do You Know Music?
40.He Didnt Help Me
41.Six and Four Are...
42.A Polite Boy“
44.What Did I Do in School Today?
45.Tlle Queerest Thing
46.She Understands
47.The Barbers Explanation
48.No Wonder
49.Just Helpless
50.Buying Bread
51.Fleased to Meet You
52.An Absent-minded Professor
53.But YOU Have Got One
54.Why Was He Angry?
55.Id Look Even Sillier
56.The Same
57.I,YOU and She
58.A Raoe
59.A Nautieal Mile and a Mlie
60.I Just Want to Make Sure
61.I Dont Know Where Im Going
62.The Bet
63.The Bait
64.Peters Answer
65.The Meaning ofHaving a NewBaby
67.Mrs.Williams and Mice
68.Not So Easy
69.“I” or“Eye
70.Nat for Today
71.Thats Just the Trouble
72.A Dirfier Hand
74.No Charge for the Luggage
75.Look Out
77.Too Drunk
78.Tom Saw a Tiger
79.The King and the Critic
80.Tommy and Olives
81.A Careless Professor
82.Mosquitoes with Lanterns
83.A Funnier Story
84.Mother or Father
85.Out They Go
86.A Spiderin the Paper
87.Too Poor
88.Not a Petiny More
89.A Picture of Police and Robber
90.Ten Years’Work
91.The Father of All Things
92.Hit Him Again
93.He Prefers...
94.Tlle CIever Cock
95.Moving Pictures
96.She Wants to Keep Them
97.But I Must Find It
98.ToLie or to Be Polite
99.Whos That Sixange Man?
100.A Polite Robber
101.I Know You Wonid
102.Shorter Hours
103.For Something Undone
104.A Sign
105.Asking the Way
106.Ten Years Younger
107.The Shape of the Earth
108.My Feet Won’t Fit
109.A Piece of Advice
110.On and Off
111.An English Boy in Spain
112.The Farmhand and the Landiord
113.Shouting His Prayers
114.Who Is the Printer?
115.A Man in My Bed
116.Don’t Worry
119.A Gift
120.The Vrodncts
121.I Really Had to
122.Take a Chsnce
123.The Colour of the Traffic-lights
124.A Barking Dog Does Not Bite
125.The Stranger and the Schoolmaster
126.I Wasnt Listening
127.A Fly in the Soup
128.Not Necessary


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