本書通過Invitation to a Journey、On Categories、Categorizing at the Suprenme Court、OnRhetorics等十章內(nèi)容對(duì)美國法律進(jìn)行了論述。
1 Invitation to a journey 2 On Categories 3 Categorizing at the Supreme Court Missouri V.Jenkins and Michael H.V.Gerald D. 4 On Narrative 5 Narratives at Court Prigg v.Pennsylvania and Freeman V.Pitts 6 On Rhetorics 7 The Rhetorics of Death Mccleskey V.Kemp 8 On the Dialectic of Culture 9 Race, the Court, and America’s Dialectic From Plessy through Brown to Pitts and Jenkins 10 Reflections on a Voyage Appendix: Analysis of Nouns and Verbs in the Prigg, Pitts, and Brown Opinions Notes Table Cases Index