L.H.Blumgart,BDS MD DS(Hon)FACS FRCS(Eng,Edin)Frcps(Glas)Enid A.Haupt chair in srugery,Director,Hepatobiliary Disease Management Program,Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center;Pofessor of Surgery,Weill Medical College of Cornell University,New York,NY,USA.
Comtributors Preface Acknowledgments VOLUME I SECTION1: ANATOMY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 1.Surgical and radiologic anatomy of the liver and biliart tract 2.Assessment of liver function in the surgical patient 3.Liver hyperplasia,bypertophy and atrophy and the molecular basis of liver regeneration 4.Liver blood flow:physiology,measurement and clinical relevance 5.Bile secretion 6.The function of the biliary tract and factors in the production of biliary pain 7.Biliary tract obstruction-pathophysiology 8.Infections in hepatic,biliary and pancreatic surgery 9.Endotoxin and cytokines in liver and biliary tract disease 10.Molecular and genetic determinants of hepatobiliary and pancreatic neoplasia 11.Hemostasis in hepatic biliary disorders SECTION:2 DLAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES 12.Clinical examination and investigation 13.Ultrasonud of the liver and biliary tract 14.The role of nuclear medicine in the diagnosis and management of hepatobiliary diseases 15.Computed tomography of the liver and biliary tract …… SECTION:3 PRE-AND POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND ANESTHESIA SECTION:4 INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDOSCOPIC TECHNIQUES.BILIARY BYPASS AND INTUBATION SECTION:5 CALLSTONES AND CALLBLADDERS SECTION:6 BILARY STRICTURE AND FISTULA SECTION:7 BILLARY TUMORS VOLUME II Index