Prefce 1. Background A (Very) Brief History of the lnternet On the Internet and internets The Domain Name System in a Nutshell The History of BIND Must I Use DNS? 2 How Does DNS Whrk? The Domain Name Space The Internet Domain Name Space Delegation Name Servers and Zones Resolvers Resolution Caching 3. Where DO I Start? Getting BIND Choosing a Domain Name 4 settins UP BIND Our Zone Setting Up Zone Data Setting Up a BIND Configuration File Abbreviations Host Name Checking (BIND 4.9.4 and Later Versions) Tools Running a Primary Master Name Server Running a Slave Name Server Adding More Zones What Next? 5. DNS and Electronic Mail MX Records What's a Mail Exchanger, Again? The MX Algorithm 6 configuring Hosts The Resolver Sample Resolver Configurations Minimizing Pain and Suffering Vendor-Specific Options 7. Maintetaining BIND Controlling the Name Server Updating Zone Data Files Organizing YOur Files Changing System File Locations in BlND 8 and 9 Logging in BlND 8 and 9 Keeping Evetything Running Smoothly 8 Growing Your Domain How Many Name Servers? Adding More Name Servers Registering Name Servers Changing TTLs Planning for Disasters Coping with Disaster 9. Parenting When to Become a Parent How Many Children? What to Name Your Children How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains Subdomains of Domains Good Parenting Managing the Transition to Subdomains The Life of a Parent 10 Advanced Features Address Match Lists and ACLs DNS Dynamic Update DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notilication) lncremental Zone Transfer (IXFR) Forwarding Views Round Robin Load Distribution Name Server Address Sorting Preferring Name Servers on Certain Networks A Nonrecursive Name Server Avoiding a Bogus Name Server System Tuning Compatibility The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing Addresses and Ports IPv6 Forward and Reverse Mapping 11. Security TSIG Securing Your Name Server DNS and Internet Firewalls The DNS Security Extensions 12 nslookup and diy Is nslookup a Good Tool? lnteractive Versus Noninteractive Option Settings Avoiding the Search List Common Tasks Less Cornmon Tasks Troubleshooting nslookup Problems Best of the Net Using dig 13. Reading BIND Debugging Output Debugging Levels Turning On Debugging Reading Debugging Output The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 8) The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 9) Tools 14. Troubtesbooting DNS and BIND Is NlS Really Your Problem? Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques Potential Problem List Transition Problems Interoperability and Version Problems. TSIG Errors Problem Symptoms 15. Programming witb tbe Resolver and Name Server Library Routines Shell Script Programming with nslookup C Programming with the Resolver Library Routines Perl Programming with Net::DNS 16 Miscellaneous Using CNAME Records Wildcards A Limitation of MX Records Dialup Connections Network Names and Numbers Additional Resource Records DNS and WINS DNS and Windows 2000 A. DNS Message Format and Resource Records B. BIND compatibility Matrix C. Compiling and Installing BIND on Linux D. Top-Level Domains E. BIND Name Server and Resolver Configuration Index