First Certificate in English Practice is intended to supplement First Certifi- cate Course. While the main purpose of the latter is to cover in some detail the teaching material which will ensure comprehensive preparation for the First Certificate examination, this text provides practice in answering the various types of questions most likely to appear on the examination papers together with advice about how to deal with these.
Preface Summary of the requirements of the 1984 Syllabus Paper 1 Reading Comprehension Section A: Graded groups 1-10 Ungraded groups A-E Section B: Group 1 Narrative passages Group 2 Informative passages Group 3 Public notices, instructions, advertisements etc. Paper 2 Composition Introduction —— some suggestions for effective writing Letter-writing Sample letter Description Narrative Expression of opinions Sample composition A talk or speech Sample composition Prescribed texts Paper 3 Use of English SectionA: English usage exercises Section B: Recording and interpreting information Paper 4 Listening Comprehension Paper 5 Interview Section A: Conversation based on photographs Section B: Interpretation of situations from passages to be read aloud Section C: Structured communication exercises