As a world-renowned country with an ancient civilization, China boasts a wealth of cultural relics and historical sites, such as the ten thousand-li Great Wall, the Imperial Palace in Beijing, the Dunhuang Grottoes, and the Potala Palace in Lhasa. In particular, the Great Wall has been called one of the Wonders of the world. As a contribution to protecting, studying and giving publicity to the world's cultural and artistic heritages, the Foreign Languages Press has produced this small album which introduces sites in China which have been recognized by UNESCO as being worthy of inclusion in its........更多> >讀者評論 目前該商品還沒有評論,歡迎您發(fā)表看法,您的評論可能將成為該商品的首條評論! 查看所有評論|我要發(fā)表評論 //輸入表單function LTrim(str){ var whitespace = new String(\
1 From the Neolithic Age Through the Xia,Shang and Zhou Dynasties
2 The Qin and Han Dynasties
3 The wei,Jin,and Southern Northern dynasties
4 The Sui and Tang Dynasties
5The Five Dynasties Ten Kingdoms, and the Song Dynasty
6 Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties
7 The 2Oth Century