This document is a revised and updated version of the Compendium of Basel Committee documents that was first issued in April 1997.Progressively over recent years, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which has thirteen member countries, has been actively expanding its links with supervisors in nonmember countries with a view to strengthening prudential supervisory standards in all the major markets. These efforts have taken a number of different forms, including:the development and dissemination throughout the world of policy papers on a wide range of supervisory matters.
Preface History of the Basel Committee and its membership ( March 2001 ) Core Principles for effective banking supervision (September 1997) Core Principles Methodology (October 1999) Volume One: Basic supervisory methods Chapter Ⅰ: Capital adequacy and consolidation International convergence of capital measurement and capital standards (July 1988, updated to April 1998) Consolidated supervision of banks international activities (March 1979) Proposals for the inclusion of general provisions/general loan-loss reserves in capital (February 1991) Chapter Ⅱ: Management of credit risk Measuring and controlling large credit exposures (January 1991 ) Management of banks international lending: ( March 1982) Sound Practices for banks interactions with highly leveraged institutions( January 1999) Asset transfers and securitisation (September 1992) Principles for the management of credit risk ( September 2000) Chapter Ⅲ: Management of other core banking risksFramework for internal control systems in banking organisations( September 1998) Supervision of banks foreign exchange positions (August 1980) Principles for the management of interest rate risk ( September 1997) The management of banks off-balance-sheet exposures (March 1986) Risks in computer and telecommunication systems (July 1989) Prevention of criminal use of the banking system for the purpose of money-laundering ( December 1988) Enhancing corporate governance for banking organisations( September 1999) Sound practices for managing liquidity in banking organisations( February 2000) Best practices for credit risk disclosure (September 2000) Supervisory guidance for managing settlement risk in foreign exchange transactions ( September 2000) Chapter Ⅳ: Transparency and accounting Enhancing bank transparency (September 1998) Sound practices for loan accounting and disclosure (July 1999) Volume Two: Advanced supervisory methods Chapter I: Management of derivative and off-balance-sheet risks Risk management guidelines for derivatives (July 1994) Framework for supervisory information about derivatives and trading activities ( September 1998) Recommendations for public disclosure of the trading and derivatives activities of banks and securities firms ( October 1999) Trading and derivatives disclosures of banks and securities firms ( December 1999) Risk management for electronic banking and electronic money activities ( March 1998) Chapter Ⅱ: Capital adequacy Overview of the Amendment to the Capital Accord to incorporate market risks (January 1996, updated to April 1998) Amendment to the Capital Accord to incorporate market risks (January 1996,updated to April 1998) Supervisory framework for the use of "backtesting" in conjunction with the internal models approach to market risk capital requirements(January1996) An internal model-based approach to market risk capital requirements( April 1995 ) Interpretation of the Capital Accord for the multilateral netting of forward value foreign exchange transactions (April 1996) Volume Three: International supervisory issues Chapter Ⅰ: The Basel Concordat and Minimum Standards Authorisation procedures for banks foreign establishments (March 1983 ) Principles for the supervision of banks foreign establishments ( the "Concordat" )( May 1983 ) Information flows between banking supervisory authorities (Supplement to the Concordat) ( April 1990) Minimum Standards for the supervision of international banking groups and their cross-border establishments (July 1992) The supervision of cross-border banking ( October 1996) Chapter Ⅱ: Relations with other financial market supervisors Exchanges of information between banking and securities supervisors ( April 1990) Basle/IOSCO Joint Statement for the Lyon Summit (May 1996 ) Joint Forum on financial conglomerates (September 1998) Chapter Ⅲ: Other international supervisory issues The relationship between bank supervisors and external auditors (July 1989) Deposit protection schemes in the member countries of the Basle Committee( June 1998) The insolvency liquidation of a multinational bank (December 1992) Committee documents not included in this compendium