Dr. Xie Zhufan graduated fromthe Medical College of PekingUniversity in 1946, and is aprofessor of both Western andChinese medicine, honorarydirector of Institute of Integra-tive Chinese-Western Medicine,the First Clinical Medical College, PekingUniversity. He was appointed three times as con-sultant on traditional medicine by the World HealthOrganization and was repeatedly invited to give lec-tures on Chinese medicine at overseas medicalschools.Among his publications in English, there are: Chi-nese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, TraditionalChinese Internal Medicine, Best of TraditionalChinese Medicine, Practical Traditional ChineseMedicine. Together with his colleagues he compiledClassified Dictionary of Traditional ChineseMedicine. He drafted a technical document on "In-ternational Standard Terminology in Acupuncturefor Basic Training" for the World Health Organi-zation (WHO). He also contributed two specialpapers to the publications of the WHO. He is oneof the editors of Pharmacopoeia of the People'sRepublic of China. He was invited to join in thecompilation of the traditional Chinese medicine partof the Chinese-English Medical Dictionary and wona special award from the Ministry of Health for hisexcellent contributions to the compilation of thedictionary.
Foreword Introduction Brief Historical Review of TCM Terminology General Considerations Fundamental Theories Philosophical Terms Anatomical Terms Physiological Terms Etiological Terms Pathogenetic Terms Diagnostics General Diagnostic Terms Terms of Diagnostic Methods Syndrome Names (Pattern Names) Disease Names Therapeutics Terms of Treatment Principles Pharmaceutic Terms Acupuncture-Moxibustion Terms Selected Classical Works Bibliography Annex: List of Acupuncture Points Index Acknowledgement About the Author