UNIT 1: AT A PARTY 1. 1. Greeting and Leave-taking 1. 2. lntrOducing People/Oneself 1. 3. Starting a Conversation and Asking Questions UNlT 2: AT A DlNNER PARTY 2. 1. Receiving Guests 2. 2. Paying Compliments 2. 3. Offers 2. 4. Requests 2. 5. Drinks 2. 6. Shellfish and Soup 2. 7. Meat and Fish 2. 8. Vegetables and Fruit 2. 9. Dessert UNlT 3: lNVITlNG OUT 3. 1. lnviting and Accepting/Refosing Invitations 3. 2. Making Suggestions 3. 3. Places Of Entertainment 3. 4. Forms Of Entertainment UNIT 4: ON THE TELEPHONE 4. 1. Telephone Calls 4. 2. Telephoning 4. 3. Useful Phrases 4. 4. The Alphabet and Most Common Words Used When Spelling Names on the Phone UNIT 5: SHOPPlNG 5. 1. Shopping Phrases 5. 2. Shops 5. 3. Goods UNIT 6: lN THE STREET 6. 1. Things You See in Town 6. 2. Vehicles 6. 3. Where in Town? 6. 4. Asking for and Giving Directions in the Street 6. 5. Askjng for and Giving Directions Inside a BuiIding UNIT 7: TRAVELLING 7. 1. Ways of Travelling 7. 2. Travelljng by Train 7. 3. Train Enquiry 7. 4. Travelling by Air 7. 5. Airport Enquiry 7. 6. TravelIing by Car 7. 7. Crossing the Border UNIT 8: HOLlDAYS 8. 1. General HoIiday Expressions 8. 2. PIaces to Stay on Hoiiday 8. 3. Staying in a Hotel 8. 4. Weather and Climate 8. 5. General Impressions KEY VOCABULARY LIST Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8