1. What Is a Corporation 2. The Las Relating to the Corporation 3. The Corporate Law of Delaware 4. The Forms of Corporate 5. The Tax Affectiong the Corporate 6. The Process of Incorporation 7. The Corporation by Estoppel 8. A De Facto Corporation 9. The Duties of Promoters 10. The Article of Incorporation 11. Bylaws 12. The Fall of the Doctrine in Modern Common Law 13. The Corporation Finance 14. Stock 15. Treasury Stock 16. No par Shares 17. Duly Authorized,Validly Issued, Fully Paid,and Nonassessable 18. Debt 19. Leverage 20. Closely Held Corporation 21. A Minority Shareholder''s Options 22. Deadlocks 23. Freezeouts and Forceouts 24. Control Devices in Close Corporation 25. Prercing the Veil of the Corporation 26. Corporate Governance Structure 27. The Procedural Requirements of the Meeting of the Shareholders 28. Rights of Inspection by Shareholders 29. Consent in Lieu of Meeting 30. Vote-Pooling Agreements 31. Dissenters'' Appraisal Rights 32. Independent Director 33. Committee of the Board 34. The Director as a Fiduciary 35. The Duty of Loyalty 36. Corporate Opportunity Doctrine 37. Remedies for Self-Dealing 38. Duty of Care 39. Business Judgment Rule 40. Compensation of directors 41. Limitations on Directors'' Liability 42. Indemnification and Insurance 43. Board Action 44. Two Types of the Votine 45. The Introduction of the Proxy 46. Securities Law in General 47. The Proxy Rules Apply to Proxy Solicitations 48. The Chief Executive Officer 49. Secretary and Treasurer 50. Institutional Investors 51. Direct and Derivative Suite In General 52. The Distorted Incentives Created by Derivative Litigation 53. Plaintiff Standing-Contemporaneous and Continuing Equity Ownership 54. Defenses in a Derivative Suit 55. Court Approval of Settlement 56. The Definition of a Security 57. Securities Law in General 58. Civil Liability under the 1933 Act 59. Corporate Distributions 60. Merger and Consolidations 61. De Facto Merger 62. Triangular or Reverse-triangular Mergers 63. Cash-Out Mergers , Upstream and Downstream Mergers 64. Short Form Mergers 65. Two-tier Buyout and Any-and-all Cash Offer 66. The Hostile Choices——Proxy Contest or Tender Offer 67. The Insurgent''s Uphill Battle in a Proxy Contest 68. Unorthodox Tender Offer-High-Pressure Open Market Purchase 69. A Garden-Variety Takeover Drama 70. An Introduction to Insider Trading 71. Fraud or Deceit——Limited Tort Liability 72. Special Facts Doctrine and Strict kansas Rule 73. Limitations of Special Facts Doctrine and Kansas Rule 74. Liability to the Corporation for Insider Trading