Unit 1 Intensive Reading Introduction to Chemical EngineeringUnit 2 Intensive Reading Nomenclature of Organic CompoundsUnit 3 Intensive Reading Raw MaterialsUnit 4 Intensive Reading Distillation as a Separation MethodUnit 5 Intensive Reading Crystallization and EvaporationUnit 6 Intensive Reading The Petroleum IndustryUnit 7 Intensive Reading Chemical Reaction EngineeringUnit 8 Intensive Reading Reactor TechnologyUnit 9 Intensive Reading Chemical Process DesignUnit 10 Intensive Reading Process Research and DevelopmentUnit 11 Intensive Reading Biochemical and Biomedical EngineeringUnit 12 Intensive Reading Catalysis:Correlations between Enzyme CatalysisUnit 13 Intensive Reading Introduction to polymersUnit 14 Intensive Reading Fine ChemicalsUnit 15 Intensive Reading Electrochemical ReactionsUnit 16 Intensive Reading Ion Exchange for Water TreatmentUnit 17 Intensive Reading Industrial Exhaust ControlUnit 18 Intensive Reaidng Pilot Plants and MicroplantsUnit 19 Intensive Reading A Brief Introduction to ESP/ESTUnit 20 Intensive Reading How to Write an Abstract for a Paper?(I)