List of figures List of tables 1 Introducion 1.1 The special interest of number 1.2 Comparing like with like 1.3 Structure of the book 1.4 Presentation 2 Meaning distinctions 2.1 General number 2.2 Number values 2.3 Number systems(the Number Hierarchy and associated problems) 2.4 Languages without number 2.5 Approaches in formal semantics 2.6 Conclusion 3 Items involved in the nominal number system 3.1 The Animacy Hierarchy 3.2 The hierarchy positions 3.3 Marking and agreement 3.4 Optionality 3.5 Morphological effects 3.6 Count and mass 3.7 Semantic effects 3.8 Conclusion 4 Integrating number values and the Animacy Hierarchy 4.1 Extending the Animacy Hierarchy to other number values 4.2 Minor numbers 4.3 Associatives 4.4 Distributives and collectives 4.5 Top and second systems 4.6 Conclusion 5 The expression of number 5.1 Number words 5.2 Syntax 5.3 Morphology 5.4 Lexical means 5.5 Inverse number(and polarity) 5.6 Minimal-augmented systems 5.7 ‘Constructed’numbers 5.8 Reduced expression of number 5.9 Conclusion 6 The syntax of number 7 Other uses of number 8 Verbal number 9 Conclusion and new challenges References Author indes Language indes Subject index