Lesson 1.The environment and environmental engineering 2.Ecology 3.environmental problems 4.the impact of humans upon the environment 5.the role of the environmental engineer 6.composirtion and structure of the atmosphere 7.sources of air pollutants 8.atomospheric cleansing processes 9.types of water suppy and classification of water contaminants 10.degrees of wastewater treatment and water quality standards 11.the role of the engineer in water treatment and water quality standards 12.the role of the engineer in water pollution abatement control 13.Foul seweragte 14.what is physical-chemical treatment 15.principles of biological reactions 16.factors in fluencing the bactericidal efficientcy of chlorine 17.the concept of regional waste treament 18.solid waste 19.solid waste generation 20.solid waste management—an overview 21.magnitude of the hazardous waste problem 22.hazardous waste processig 23.hazardous waste mannagement facilities 24.interrelationships between various forms of pollution 25.noise ……