CHAPTER ONE GENERAL KNOWLESGE ON INTONATION I Definition of Intonation II Tone Language and Intonation Language III Pitch Tange IV Systems Devisde for Transcribing English Intonation 1. Armstrong & Ward's Scalar System 2. Roger kingdon's Tonetic Stress-Mark System 3. Halliday's Graphic Notation System 4. Harold E. Palmer's Tonal Indicator System 5. David Braxil's System 6. Kenneth L. Pike's System 1) The Numerical System 2) The Block System CHAPTER TWO THE FORMS OF INTONATION I Tone Unit II The Components of the Tone Unit III Kinds of Tones 1. Static Tones 2. Kinetic Tones Tone I Falling 1)High-falling 2)Low-falling Tone II Rising 1) High-rising Low-rising Tone III Falling-Rising Tone IV Tising-Falling Tone V Rising-Falling-Rising IV Chinese Four Tones as Compared with Those of English 1. First Tone 2. Second Tone 3. Third Tone 4. Fourth Tone Practice One V Types of Nuclear Segment (Nucleus+Tail) 1. Falling Nucleus +Tail 2. Tiding Nucleus+Tail 3. Falling-Rising Nucleus+Tail 4. Rising-Falling Nucleus+Tail 5. Rising-Falling-Rising Nucleus+Tail Practice Two VI Types of Pre-tonic Segment 1. Pre-heak 1)normal Pre-head 2)High Pre-head 3)Low Rising Pre-head Practice Three 2.Head 1)Normal Head 2)High or Low Even Head 3)Stepping-up Head …… CNAPTER THREE THE FUNCTIONS OF INTONATION CHAPTER FOUR NUCLEUS PLACEMENT CHAPTER FOVE THE MEANINGS OF NUCLEUS CHAPTER SIX THE APPLICATIONS OF INTONATION Anawers to Practice Bibliography