Section One Nature and Context of Operations Management1 Introduction to the Field2 Operations Strategy nd competiiveness3 Project ManagementAection Two Product Design and Process Selection4 Product Design and Process Selection ManufacturingSupplement 4 Operations Technology5 Product Design and process Selection ServicesSupplement 5 Waiting Line Management6 Quality ManagementSupplement 6 Statistical Quality Control MethodsSection Tbree Design of Facilies and Jobs7 Strategic Capacity ManagementSupplement 7 Linear Programming8 Just-In-Time Production Systems9 Facility Location10 Facility Layout11 job Design and Work MeasurementSupplement 11 Learning CurvesSection Four Managing the supply Chain12 Supply Chain Management13 Forecasting14 Aggregate Planning15 Inventory Systems for Independent-Demand16 Inventory Systems for Dependent Demand: MRP-Type SystemsSupplement 16 SAP R/317 Operations SchedulingSupplement 17 SimulationSection Five Revising the System18 Operations Consulting19 Business Process Reengineering20 Synchronous Manufacturing and Theory of ConstraintsAppendixesA. Financial analysis of OperationsB. Uniformly Distributed Random DigitsC. Normally Distributed Random DigitsD. Areas of the Cumulative Strandard Noumal DistribuionF. Negative Exponential Distribution: Values of G. Interest TablesH. Answers to Selected ProblemsPhoto CreditsName IndexSubject Index