authors preface section 1.reproductive basics 1.approach to the patient 2.anatomy of the female reproductive system. 3.the role of imaging techniques in gynecology 4.embryology of the urogenital system & congeniatl anomalies of the female genital tract 5.genetic disordres & sex chromosome abnormalities 6.physiology of reproduction in women 7.maternal physiology during pregnancy 8.maternal-placental-fetal unit;fetal & early neonatal physiology section 2.normal obstetrics 9.normal pregnancy & prenatal care 10.the course & conduct of normal labot & delivery 11.essentials of normal newborn assessment & care 12.the normal pureperium section 3.pregnancy at risk 13.methods of assessment for pregnancy at risk 14.early pregnancy risks. 15.late pregnancy complications 16.disproportionate fetal growth 17.multiple pregnancy 18.diabetes mellitus & pregnancy 19.hypertensive staes of pregnancy 20.third-trimester vaginal bleeding 21.maplresentation & cord prolapse 22.cardias,hematologic,pulmonary,renal,& urinary tract disorders in pregnancy 23.general medical disorders during pregnancy 24.surgical diseases & disorders in pregnancy 25.complications of labor & delivery …… section 4.general gynecology section 5.gynecologic oncology section 6.reproductive endocrinology & infertility section 7.contemporary issues index