Principal events in Locke's life
Further reading
A note on the selection
A note on the texts
Abbreviations and conventions
Major Essays
First Tract on Government (166o)
Second Tract on Government (c.I662)
Essays on the Law of Nature (I663-4)
An Essay on Toleration (I667)
The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (I669)
An Essay on the Poor Law (I697)
Minor Essays
Verses on Cromwell and the Dutch War (I654)
Verses on King Charles II's Restoration (I66o)
Infallibility (I66I-2)
Verses on Queen Catherine (I662)
On Samuel Parker (I669-7o)
Adversaria A (c.I67o)
Civil and Ecclesiastical Power (I674)
Trade (I674)
The Particular Test for Priests (c.I674)
Philanthropy (I675)
Catholic Infallibility (I675)
Toleration A (c.I675)
Obligation of Penal Laws (I676)
Pleasure, Pain, the Passions (I676)
Atheism (I676)
Toleration B (I676)
Faith and Reason (I676)
Knowledge A (I676)
Happiness A (I676)
Politica (I676)
Atlantis (I676-9)
Understanding (1677)
Adversaria B (1677)
Morality (c.I677-8)
Toleration C (I678)
Law (1678)
Law of Nature (I678)
Virtue A (I678)
Happiness B (I678)
Reputation (I678)
Carolina (I679)
Marriage (I679)
Pietas (I679)
Justitia (I679)
Politia (I679)
Opinion (I679)
Love of Country (I679)
Love (I679)
Toleration D (I679)
Of God's Justice (I68o)
Religion (I68I)
Reason, Passion, Superstition (I68I)
Knowledge B (I68I)
Laws (I68I)
Selecting the Grand Jury (I68I)
Virtue B (I68I)
Adversaria C (c.I68I)
Enthusiasm (I682)
Ecclesia (c.I682)
Superstition (c.I682)
Tradition (c.I682)
The Labadists (I684)
Thus I Think (c.I686-87)
Of Ethic in General (c.I686-87)
Pacific Christians (I688)
On Allegiance and the Revolution (I69O)
On William Sherlock (I690-1)
Ethica A (I692)
Ethica B (I693)
Homo ante et post Lapsum (I693)
Voluntas (I693)
For a General Naturalisation (I693)
Labour (I693)
Law (c.I693)
Liberty of the Press (I694-5)
Punitive Justice (I695)
Venditio (I695)
Sacerdos (I698)
Error (I698)
Some Thoughts Concerning Reading and Study
for a Gentleman (I7O3)
Extract from 'Draft B' (1671) of Human
Extract from 'A Letter from a Person of Quality'
Extracts from 'Study' (I677)
Extract from 'Critical Notes on Stillingfleet' (I68I)
Locke's reading list
Checklist of Lockeana in print