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定 價:¥56.00

作 者: 法孟德斯鳩(Montesquieu)原著;( )Anne M.Cohler等編
出版社: 中國政法大學(xué)出版社
叢編項: 劍橋政治思想史原著系列 影印本
標(biāo) 簽: 經(jīng)濟(jì)政治與社會

ISBN: 9787562023456 出版時間: 2003-05-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 21cm 頁數(shù): 757 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  The Spirit of the Laws is, without question, one of the central texts m the history of eighteenth -century thought, yet there has been no complete,scholarly English - language edition since that of Thomas Nugent, published in 1970. This lucid translation renders Montesqnieu' s problematic text newlyaccessible to a fresh generation of students, helping them to understand quite why Montesquieu was such an important figure in the early Enlightment and why The Spirit of the Laws was, for example, such an influence upon those who framed the American constitution. Fully annotated, this edition should focus attention upon Montesquieu' s use of sources and his text as a whole.rather than upon those opening passages towards which critical energies have traditionaUy been devoted, and a selected bibliography and chronology are provided for those coming to Montesquieu's work for the first time.




Part 1
BOOK i On laws in general
BOOK 2 On laws deriving directly from the nature of thegovernment
BOOK 3 On the principles of the three governments
BOOK 4 That the laws of education should be relative to theprinciples of the government
BOOK 5 That the laws given by the legislator should berelative to the principle of the government
BOOK 6 Consequences of the principles of the variousgovernments in relation to the simplicity of civiland criminal laws, the form of judgments, and theestablishment of penalties
BOOK 7 Consequences of the different principles of thethree governments in relation to sumptuary laws,luxury, and the condition of women
BOOK 8 On the corruption of the principles of the threegovernments
Part 2
BOOK 9 On the laws in their relation with defensive force
BOOK 10 On laws in their relation with offensive force
BOOK 11 On the laws that form political liberty in itsrelation with the constitution
BOOK 12 On the laws that form political liberty in relationto the citizen
BOOK 13 On the relations that the levy of taxes and the sizeof public revenues have with liberty
Part 3
BOOK 14 On the laws in their relation to the nature of theclimate
BOOK 15 How the laws of civil slavery are related with thenature of the climate
BOOK 16 How the laws of domestic slavery are related tothe nature of the climate
BOOK 17 How the laws of political servitude are related tothe nature of the climate
BOOK 18 On the laws in their relation with the nature ofthe terrain
BOOK 19 On the laws in their relation with the principlesforming the general spirit, the mores, and themanners of a nation
Part 4
BOOK 20 On the laws in their relation to commerce,considered in its nature and its distinctions
BOOK 21 On laws in their relation to commerce, consideredin the revolutions it has had in the world
BOOK 22 On laws in their relation to the use of money
BOOK 23 On laws in their relation to the number ofinhabitants
Part 5
BOOK 24 On the laws in their relation to the religionestablished in each country, examined in respectto its practices and within itself
BOOK 25 On the laws in their relation with theestablishment of the religion of each country, andof its external police
BOOK 26 On the laws in the relation they should have withthe order of things upon which they are to enact
Part 6
BOOK 27 ONLY CHAPTER. On the origin and revolutionsof the Roman laws on inheritance
BOOK 28 On the origin and revolutions of the civil lawsamong the French
BOOK 29 On the way to compose the laws
BOOK 30 The theory of the feudal laws among the Franksin their relation with the establishment of themonarchy
BOOK 31 The theory of the feudal laws among the Franksin their relation to the revolutions of theirmonarchy
Index of names and places
Index of works cited


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