PART A-GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1 Foundations in Civil Engineering 2 Performance Requirements 3 Soil Mechanics 4 Site Exploration and Characterization PART B_SHALLOW FOUNDATION ALNALYSIS AND DESIGN 5 shallow Foundations 6 Shallow Foundations_Bearing Capacity 7 Shallow Foundations_Settlement 8 Spread Footings_Geotechnical Design 9 Spread Footings_Structural Design 10 Mats PART C_DEEP FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 11 Deep Foundations 12 Deep Foundatins-Structural Integrity 13 Deep Foundations-Axial Load Capacity Based on Static Load Tests 14 Deep Foundations-Axial Load Capacity Based on Analytic Methods 15 Deep Foundations-Axial Load Capacity Based on Dynamic Methods 16 Deep Foundations-lateral Load Capacity 17 Deep Foundations-Design PART D-SPECIAL TOPICS 18 Foundations on Weak and compressible Soils 19 Foundations on Expansive soils 20 Foundations on Collapsible Soils 21 Reliability-Based Design PAER E-EARTH-RETAINING STRUCTURE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 22 Earth-Retaining Structures 23 ateral earth Pressures 24 Cantilever Retaining Walls 25 Sheet Pile Walls