The age-old history and Cuiture of jbet have created a unique histori-cal and CUIturaI that Still flouriShes tOday and whose spe-ci al ma.gic acts as a magnet to people from alI over the world.The aim 0f b00k is tO unfOId in wordS and beaut'ifuI images that historica and CUItu ral landscape.a(chǎn)nd in SO dOing,tO explain the inseparabIe his-tOrical ties between Tibet and the rest 0f China.a(chǎn)nd the emotiona bonds that unite Chinas Tibetan and Han peoples.
Preface Chapter 1 Inhabitants of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Ancient Times Prehistoric Tibet and its Cultural Relics Chapter 2 The Jokhang Temple The Brilliant Tubo Dynasty and the Introduction of Buddhism Chapter 3 Sites of Guge Kingdom Relics A Period of Separatist Regimes and the Revival of Buddhism in Tibet Chapter 4 Sakya Monastery Tiet's Incorporation into Chinese Territory and its Continuous Development Chapter 5 A Multitude of Monasteries Throughout Tibet The Tibetan Policy of the Ming Court Chapter 6 The Potala Palace tIBET,a Politico-Religious Regime under Central Government Rule Chapter 7 Turbulent and Eventful Tibet Appendixes 1 Folklore and Festivals in Tibet 2 Suggestions for Tourists