1.Introduction 1.1 Nuclear Structure Physics 1.2 The Basic Equation 1.3 Microscopic versus Collective Models 1.4 The Role of Symmetries 2.Symmetries 2.1 General Remarks 2.2 Translation 2.3 Rotation 2.4 Isospin 2.5 Parity 2.6 Time Reversal 3.Second Quantization 3.1 General Formalism 3.2 Representation of Operators 3.3 Evaluation of Matrix Elements for Fermions 3.4 The Particle-Hole Picture 4.Group Theory in Nuclear Physics 4.1 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 4.2 Group Chains 4.3 Lie Algebras in Second Quantization 5.Electromagnetic Moments and Transitions 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The Quantized Electromagnetic Field 5.3 Radiation Fields of Good Angular Momentum 5.4 Coupling of Radiation and Matter 6.Collective Models 6.1 Nuclear Matter 6.2 Nuclear Surface Deformations 6.3 Surface Vibrations 6.4 Rotating Nuclei …… 7.Microscopic Models 8.Interplay of Collective and Single-Particle Motion 9.Large-Amplitude Collective Motion Appendix:Some Formulas from Angular-Momentum Theory References Subject Index