PREFACE 1 MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY Defining Health Contrasting Ideas about Health and Social Behavior The Reemergence of Infectious Diseases The Development of Medical Sociology Summary Medical Sociology Internet Sites 2 EPIDEMIOLOGY Epidemiological Measures The Development of Epidemiology The Complexity of Modern Ills: Heart Disease Disease and Modernization AIDS Summary Epidemiology Intemet Sites 3 THE SOCIAL DEMOGRAPHY OF HEALTH Age Gender Race Socioeconomic Status Summary Social Demography of Health Intemet Sites 4 SOCIAL STRESS Cooley, Thomas, and Goffman: Svmbolic Interaction Durkheim: Functionalism Stress Social Factors and Stress Summary Social Stress Intemet Sites 5 HEALTH BEHAVIOR AND LIFESTYILES Health Lifestyles Preventive Care Summary Health Behavior and Lifestyles Internet Sites 6 ILNESS BEHAVIOR Self-Care Sociodemographic Variables Recognizing and Coping with Illness Symptoms Summary and Conclusion Illness Behavior Internet Sites 7 THE SICK ROLE Illness as Deviance The Functionalist Approach to Deviance The Sick Role Criticism of the Sick Role Labeling Theory Sickness as Social Deviance? Being Sick and Disabled Stigma Summary The Sick Role Internet Sites 8 HEALING OPTIONS Osteopaths Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Chiropractors Faith Healers Folk Healers Summary Healing Options Internet Sites 9 DOCTOR-PATIENT INTERACTION Models of Interaction Misunderstandings in Communication Male Physicians and Women Patients Women Physicians Cultural Differences in Communication Patient Compliance The Future of Doctor-Patient Relations Doctor-Patient Relations and New Technology The New Genetics Summary Doctor-Patient Interaction Intemet Sites 10 PHYSICIANS The Professionalization of the Physician The Socialization of the Physician The Power Structure of American Medicine Summary Physicians Intemet Sites 11 THE PHYSICIAN IN A CHANGING SOCIETY 12 NURSES,PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS,PHARMACISTS,AND MIDWIVES 13 HOSPITALS 14 JEALTH CARE DELIVERY AND SOCIAL POLICY 15 HEALTH CARE IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES 16 HEALTH CARE IN FORMER SOCIALIST,SOCIALIST, AND DEVELOPING COUNITRIES REFERCNCES PHOTO CREDITS NAME INDEX SUBJECT INDEX