Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790) from Autobiography from Poor Richard's Almanack Thomas Paine(1737-1809) Downfall of Despotism Philip Freneau(1752-1832) To the Memory of the Brave Americans The Wild Honey Suckle Washington Irving(1783-1859) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow James Fenimore Cooper(1789-1851) The Last of the Mohicans-Chapter XII William Cullen Bryant(1794-1878) To a Waterfowl Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849) To Helen Alone William Wilson from "The Philosophy of Composition" Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882) from Nature The Rhodora Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-1864) Young Goodman Brown The Scarlet Letter-Chapter II,Chpater XIX Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862) form"Resistance to Civil Government" Walden-Chapter II Walt Whitman(1819-1892) form "Song of Myself" I Hear America Singing When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Blloom'd form"Democratic Vistas" Herman Melville(1819-1891) Moby Dick-Chapter CXXXV Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882) An April Day Footsteps of Angels Hiawathw-V.Hiawatha's Fasting John Greenleaf Whittier(1807-1892) ……