本套“MCSE Training Kit”共由6卷組成,專門介紹Microsoft Windows 2000。本書詳細(xì)介紹了標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的術(shù)語介紹:開放系統(tǒng)互聯(lián)和802方案的網(wǎng)絡(luò)模型;規(guī)劃和布置網(wǎng)絡(luò);選擇合適的網(wǎng)絡(luò)連接方式;通過共享和帳戶管理網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源;保護(hù)數(shù)據(jù)和系統(tǒng)安全;擴(kuò)展和更新網(wǎng)絡(luò);監(jiān)視網(wǎng)絡(luò)性能,分析和解決網(wǎng)絡(luò)存在的問題。
AbOutThls BOOk IntendedAudience Prerequisites AbouttheCDROM FeatursofThisBook Notes Icons ChaPterandAppendixOverview Where to Find Specific SkiI1s in ms Book oettingStarted HardwareRequirements SoftwareRequirements AbouttheElectrOnicBook The Microsoft Certified Professional PrOgram MicrosoftCenificationBenefltS Requirements fOr BecoIning a Microsoft Certified PrOfessional Technical Training for Computer Professionals The Network+ Certification PrOgram Network+Exam Objectives RegisteringfOrtheNetwork+Exam Technical Support NetWorking Fundamentals Chapter 1 Introduction to NetWorking AboutThisChaPter BeforeYouBegin Lesson l: WhatIs aNetwork? The Concept of Networking Introducing Computer Networking Why Use aComputerNetwork? The Two Major fypes of Networks: LANs and WANs LessonCheckup LessonSununary Lesson 2: NetWork Configuration Network Configuration Overview PeertoPeerNetworks ServerBasedNetworks LessonCheckup LessonSummary Lesson 3: NetworkTopology Designing a Network TOpology StandardTopologies Hubs Variations on the Standard Topologies SelectingaTOpology Exercise l1: Case Study Problem Exercise l2t Troubleshooting Problem Exercise 13t Network Planning Problem LessonSumrnary ChaPterSutnmary ChaPterReview ChaPter 2 Baslc Nbork M6dia AboutThisChaPter BeforeYouBegin Lesson l: NetworkCabling PrimaryCableryPes SignalWsndssion Increasing Bandwidth PerfOnnance TheIBMCablingSystem SelectingCabling Exercise 2l: Case StUdy Problem LessonSununary Lesson 2: The Network Interface Card The Role of the Network Interface Card Configuraion Ophons and Settings NIC Bus and Cable Compatibility NetworkPerfOrmance SpecializedNICs LessonSummary Exercise 22: Troubleshoohng Problem Lesson 3: WrelessNetWorking TheWirless Environment fyPes of WrelessNetworks LessonSummary Exercise 23: Network Planning Problem ChaPterSununary ChaPterReview ChaPter 3 UnderstandIng N6tWOrk Architecture AboutThisChaPter BefOreYOuBegin Lesson l:AccessMethods The Function of Access Methods MajorAccessMethods LessonSumrnary Lesson 2: How Networks Send Data The Function of Packets in Network Communications PacketSmictllre LessonSurnmary Lesson3: Ethemt TheOriginofEthemet Ethemet SPeCifications EthematFeans The l0MbpsIEEEStandards The l00Mbps IEEE Sbodards twce Considerations LessonSumrnary Lesson4:TOkenmng Overview How TOken mng NetWOhang WOrks HardwareComPonentS The Future of TOkn mng Networks LessonSurnmary Lesson 5: APPleTalk andArcNet TheAppleTalkEnvirOnment TheArcNetEnvironment LessonSununary Exercise 3l: Case StUdy PrOblem Exercise 32: Troubleshooting PrOblem Exercise 33: Network Planning Problem ChaPterSumInary ChaPterReview ChaPter 4 Surv6y Of N6tWOrt Opeodln9 Sy8tems AboutThisChaPter BefOreYOuBegin Lesson l: Introdction to Network OPerang Systems Overview SoftwareComponents Choosing a NetWork OPerating System LessonCheckUp LessonSununary Lesson 2: Novell OPerating Systems IntrodchontoNetWar NMServices InteroPerability LessonCheckup Lesson 3: Microsoft NetwOrk OPeating Systems Intreduction toWndows NT WndowsNTServices Interoperaility LessonCheckup LessonSununny Lesson 4: Other Network OPeahng Systems AppleTalkNetwork OPerahng System UNIXLANs Banyan Wal Integrated Network Services (Vines) PeertOPeerLANs LessonCheckUp LessonSununary Lesson 5: Network OPerating Systems in Multivendor Environments TheMuihvendorEnvirOnment ImPlementing Mulhvendor Solutions LessonCheckup LessonSurIunary Exercise4l: CaseStUdyProblem ChaPterSununary ChaPterReview ChaPter S lntbouclng NatWOrk Stendaeds WtttisChaPter BefOreYouBegin Lesson l: OPen Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model NetworkConununicahons TheOSIReferenceModel WndowsNTandtheOSIModel Exercise 5l: Reviewing the OSI Medel Layers LessonSummary Lesson2: TheIEEE802xStandard The802PrOectModel Exercise 52: Describing IEEE 802x Standards Categories LessonSununary Lesson 4: Other Conunon Protocols Network Basic InputlOutPut System (NetBIOS) NetBEUI X25 Packet Switching Xerox Network System (XNS) Advanced PrograrntoProgram Communication (APPC) AppleTalk OSIProtocolSuite i DECnet l Exercise 64: ProtocoI Matching Problem LessonSununary ChapterSummary ChapterReview ChaPter 7 EIements Of NatWOrk Conn6CivIty AboutThis Chapter BefOreYOuBegin Lesson l: Connectivity Devices ModemTechnology Expanding a Network Using Components LessonSununary Lesson 2: Connection Services Cdriers WANOverview Sending DataAcross aWAN LessonSununary Exercise 7l: Troubleshooting Problem Exercise 72: Case Study Problem Exercise 73: Network Planning Problem ChaPterSumrnary ChapterReview lmplementing a NetWork ChaPter 8 Designing and InStaIIing a NetWOrk AboutttisChaPter BefOreYOuBegin Lesson l: Choosing a Network Design PeertoPeerorServerBased? TdengInventOry BuildingaMaP ChoosingNetworkMedia Exercise 8l: Creating a PeertoPeer Network LessonSununary Lesson 2: Establishing a CliendServer Environment Centralized vs ClientlServer ComPuting ClientlServerModel Overview Advantages of WOrking in a ClientlServer Environment Exercise 82: Adding a Network Server LessonSununary Lesson 3: Working with Device Drivers and NICs TheRoleofDrivers TheNetworkEnvironment WorkingWthDrivers InstallingNICs Exercise 83: Adding a Computer LessonSununary Lesson 4: Ensuring Hardware ComPatibility WhenHardwareIs aProblem NetworkHardware Exercise 84: Upgrading a Network LessonSununary ChaPterSurnmary ChaPterReview ChaPter 9 E8tabIIshln9 N6tWOrk Shares and ACCounts AboutThisChaPter BeforeYOuBegin Lesson l: Creating NetWork Shares SharingResources OnANetwork SharingDisks andFiles Sharing in a PeertoPeer EnvirOnment Sharing in a Client/Server Network Exercise 9l: Case Study Problem LessonSununary Lesson 2: Establishing and Managing Network Accounts NetworkAccounts Adndnistrating AccountS in a Windows NT EnvirOnment AdIniulstrahng Accounts in an Apple EnvironInnt Adrinistrating Accounts in a NetWar EnvirOnment AdIninistrahng Accounts in a UNIX EnvirOnment Exercise 92: Case StUdy PrOblem LessonSurnrnary ChaPterSununary ChaPterReview ChaPter 10 Ensurlng NetWOrk seurIty AboutmsChaPter BefOreYOuBegin Lesson l: Maldng NetWorks Secure Planning forNetwork Security SecurityModels SecurityEnhancements ComPuterVmises LessonCheckup LessonSununary Lesson 2: Maintalning a Healthy Network Environment ComPutCrsandtheEnvironment Creating themghtEnvironment LessonCheckup LessonSununary Lesson 3: AvOiding Data boss DatPrOt6ction TaPeBackUP Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) FaultTolerant Systems OPhcalDrivesandDisks DisasterRecovery LessonSummary Exercise l01: Case StUdy Problem ChapteSununare ChaPteReview ChaPter 11 Pdntlng on a N6tWO* AboutThisChaPter BeforeYouBegin Lesson l: Network Printing The Network Prinhng Process Exercise l l l: Term Definihon Review LessonSununny Lesson 2: Managing a Shared Printer PrintCrManagement LessonCheckup LessonSummary Lesson 3: Sharing Fax Modems Fax Modem Overview RouhngFaxes Fax Server Enhancements LessonCheckup LessonSurnmary ChaPterSununary ChaPterReview ChaPter 12 Adminlst6rIng Chan9e AboutthesChaPter BeforeYouBegin Lesson l: Documenting a Running Network Documentation EstablishingaBaseline Documenting Network Performance OtherSoftwareToolS Bottlenecks Documenhng Server PerfOrmance Total SystemManagement MaintainingaNetworkHistory LessonCheckup LessonSununary Lesson 2: Upgrading aNetWork Overview Deciding to Upgrade a Network TheServer TheWorstation The Network Interface Card (NIC) NetworkMedia Upgrading the Routers Brouters Bridges and Repeaters Exercise 121: Case Study Problem LessonSummary Lesson 3: MovingaNetwork PlanningtheMove MdengtheMove Verifying the NetWorkAfter the Move Exercise 122: Case Study Problem LessonSununary ChaPterSummary ChaPterReview Chapt6r 13 Ttoubleshootlng a NatWOrk AboutttisChaPter BeforeYOuBegin Lesson l: UnderstandingtheProblem Troubleshooting SegmentngtheProblem IsolatingtheProblem SettingPriorities Exercise l3l: Troubleshooting Problem LessonSununary Lesson2: TroubleshootingTOols HardwareTools softwareTOols Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tools LessonCheckup LessonSununary Lesson3:WheretoFindHelp NetworkSupportResources TechNet BulletinBoardSystem(BBS) UserGrouPs Periodicals The Intemet: AWOrldwide Resource LessonCheckup LessonSununary ChaPterSummary ChaPterReview ApPendixes and GIossary ApP6ndix A 0ue8tions and AnSW6rS ApPendIx B Common NatWOrk Stendaeds and Speiflcations GIossary lndex