PREFACE 1 STRESS 1.1 introduction 1.2 equilibrium of a deformable Body 1.3 stress 1.4 Average Normal stress in an Axially loaded bar 1.5 Average shear stress 1.6 Allowable stress 2 STRAIN 2.1 deformation 2.2 strain 3 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 3.1 The tension and compression test 3.2 The stress-Strain Diagram 3.3 stress-strain behavior of ductile and brittle materials 3.4 Hooke's law 3.5 strain energy 3.6 Poisson's ratio 3.7 the shear stress-strain diagram 3.8 failure of materials due to creep and fatigue 4 AXIAL LOAD 4.1 Saint-Venant's principle 4.2 Elastic deformation of an axially loaded member 4.3 principle of superposition 4.4 statically indeterminate axially loaded member 4.5 the force method of analysis for axially loaded members 4.6 thermal stress 4.7 stress concentrations 4.8 inelastic axial deformation 4.9 residual stress 5 TORSION 5.1 Torsional deformation of a circular shaft 5.2 the torsion formula 5.3 power transmission 5.4 angle of twist 5.5 statically indeterminate torque-loaded members 5.6 solid noncircular shafts 5.7 thin-walled tubes having closed cross section 5.8 stress concentration 5.9 inelastic torsion 5.10 residual stress 6 BENDING 6.1 shear and moment diagrams 6.2 graphical method for constructing shear and moment diagrams 6.3 bending deformation of a straight member 6.4 the Flexure Formula 6.5 Unsymmetric Benging 6.6 Composite beams 6.7 Reinforced Concrete Beams 6.8 Curved Beams 6.9 Stress Concentrations 6.10 Inelastic Beading 6.11 Residual Stress 7 TRANSVERSE SHEAR 8 COMBINED LOADINGS 9 STRESS TRANSFORMATION 10 STRAIN TRANSFORMATION 11 DESIGN OF BEAMS AND SHAFTS 12 DEFLECTIONS OF BEAMMS AND SHAFIS 13 BUCKLING OF COLUMNS 14 ENERGY METHODS A GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF AN AREA B GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES OF STRUCTURAL SHAPES C SLOPES AND DEFLECTIONS OF BEAMS D REVIEW FOR THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING EXAM ANSWERS INDEX