UNIT1 Changees UNIT2 Australia UNIT3 What’Scooking? UNIT4 Toys of the future Review1 (Units1-4) World Music1 UNIT5 How rude! UNIT6 Achievement UNIT7 Corporate Spying UNIT8 Up in the air Reviev2 (Units5-8) UNIT9 Sunshine and showers UNIT10 Tomorrow’s world UNIT11 How did it go? UNIT12 Coincidences Reviev3 (Units9-12) UNIT13 Going it alone UNIT14 Commuter blues UNIT15 Smlltalk UNIT16 A star is born… of made? Reviev4 (Units13-16) UNIT17 What’s in rhe fridge? UNIT18 Long walk to freedom UNIT19 Turning points UNIT20 Loods good! Reviev5 (Units17-20) World of Music3 UNIT21 Just looking UNIT22 Shaking hands UNIT23 Growing up UNIT24 Neat and clean Reviev6 (Units21-24) UNIT25 A winning formula UNIT26 lf only… UNIT27 Positive thinking UNIT28 Ice maiden Reviev7 (Units25-28) World of Music4 Information for pair and group work Grammar reference Vocabulary