Notes on contributors Note on the text Chronology of major philosophers in the Arabic tradition 1 Introduction PETER ADAMSON AND RICHARD C. TAYLOR 2 Greek into Arabic: Neoplatonism in translation CRISTINA D'ANCONA 3 A1-Kindi and the reception of Greek philosophy VETER ADAMSON 4 A1-Farabi and the philosophical curriculum DAVID C. REISMAN 5 The Ismailis PAUL E. WALKER 6 Avicenna and the Avicennian Tradition ROBERT WISNOVSKY 7 Al-Ghazali MICHAEL E. MARMURA 8 Philosophy in Andalusia: Ibn B~jja and Ibn Tufayl JOSEF PUIG MONTADA 9 Averroes: religious dialectic and Aristotelian philosophical thought RICHARD C. TAYLOR 10 Suhrawardi and Illuminationism JOHN WALBRIDGE 11 Mysticism and philosophy: Ibn 'Arabi and Mulla Sadra SAJJAD H. RIZVI I2 Logic TONY STREET 13 Ethical and political philosophy CHARLES E. BUTTERWORTH 14 Natural philosophy MARWAN RASHED 15 Psychology: soul and intellect DEBORAH L. BLACK 16 Metaphysics THERESE-ANNE DRUART 17 Islamic philosophy and Jewish philosophy STEVEN HARVEY 18 Arabic into Latin: the reception of Arabic philosophy into Western Europe CHARLES BURNETT 19 Recent trends in Arabic and Persian philosophy HOSSEIN ZIAI Select bibliography and further reading Index