This book, featuring five chapters, explains the impact of Christianity on China. It narrates Christianity introduction to the Chinese first by the British, then American, missionaries in the early 19th century; the methods the missionaries used to attract more Chinese to Christianity; the Chinese people attempt to break away from the Western world and establish their own Christian churches; the changes the churches endured after China became the People Republic of China in 1949; and the Chinese Christian churches?continual thrive in the late 20th century. With b&w photos.
Forword Chapter1. Early Missionary Activities in china 1. Missionaries Coming to China in Early Times 2. Entrance of Foreign Missions into China 3. Features of Early Missionary Activities 4. Resistance of the Chinese People-Missionary Cases Occurred Reqeatedly Chapter2. Climax of Missionary Activities and Revitalization of the Christian Churches in the Early 20th Century 1. China's Opeing to the Outside World and Social Changes 2. Change in the Means of Christian Missionary Activities 3. Developement of Christian Churches Chapter3. The Independence Movement and Localization Movement of the Christian Churches in China 1. The Independence Movement Aiming at Shaking off Control of the Foreign Missions 2. The Localization Movement of the CHristian Churches to Remove Their Flavor of Western Culture Chapter4. Three-self Patriotic Movement of the CHinese Churches 1. Christianity Facing the Choice of the New China 2. The Emergence of Three-Self Declaration 3. A New Stage of Three-self Partiotic Movment 4. The Establishment of National Committee of Three-self Patriotic Movement of the Protestand Church in China 5. Three Witnesses and Ten Tasks Chapter5. Chinese Churches During the Period of Reform and Opening up to the Outside World 1. The Restoration and Development of the Chinese Churches 2. The Establishment and Organizational Improvement of Churches in Line with the Three-self Principle ……