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Kleppner 廣告教程(第13版 影印版)

Kleppner 廣告教程(第13版 影印版)

定 價(jià):¥63.00

作 者: (美)羅素 等
出版社: 清華大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 廣告


ISBN: 9787302026761 出版時(shí)間: 1997-10-01 包裝: 精裝
開(kāi)本: 850×1168 1/16 頁(yè)數(shù): 799 字?jǐn)?shù):  




暫缺《Kleppner 廣告教程(第13版 影印版)》作者簡(jiǎn)介


   About the Authors
    PARTI ThePlaceofAdvertising
   One Background ofToday's Advertising
    Origins of Newspaper Advertising
    Three Momentous Decades: 1870-1900
    America Enters the Twentieth Century
    Advertising Comes of Age
   TWO Roles of Advercising
    Advcrtising, the Marketing Mix, and Integrated
    Case History: John H. Harland Company: Major League
    Baseball Checks
    Advertising as an Institution
    Advcrtising to Diverse Cusromer Intercsts
    A Good Product that Meets a Perceived Nced
    Variations in the Importance ofAdvertising
    The Place of Advertising in the Marketing Process
    Case History: Dickerson Vision Tcchnologics, Inc.: "What's
    Wrong with This Picture?"
    Casc History: Miles Inc.: Community Science Education
    VIDEO CASE: The Detroit Zoo
    VIDEO CASE: The Atlanta Ballet: Thc Nutcracker
    PART II Planning and Advertising
   Three The Advertising Spiral and Brand
    Pioneering Stage
    The CompetitiveStage
    The Rctentive Stage
    The Advertising Spiral
    Comparison of Stages
    The Advertising Spiral as a Managcment Dccision Tool
    Building Strong Brands and Equity
   Four Target Marketing
    Defining Prime Prospccts
    Trends to Watch
    New Marketing Conccpt and Targeting
    Planning the Advertising
    Beyond Demographics: Psychographics
    VIDEO CASE: Defend Flea and Tick Product
    VIDEO CASE: Southwcst Airlines
   PART III Managing the Advertising
   Five The Advertising Agency, Media Services, and
    Other Services
    The Agency
    How Agcncies Developed
    The Full-Service Agency
    Thc Traditional Agcncy Organization
    The Reengineering of the Agency
    Global Agencies and Global Markets
    Competing Accounts
    The Agency of Record
    Agency Networks
    The Mega-Agency
    Other Advertising Services
    Forms ofAgency Compensation
    Othcr Services
    Worldwide Trends
    Agency of the Future
   Six The Advertiser's Markecing/Advertising
    Marketing-Services System
    Integrated Marketing Brand Management
    Corporate Restructuring
    Setting the Budget
    The Changing Marketing Environment
    Managing Brands
    Agency/Client Relationships
    Selecting an Agency
    Appraising National Advertising
    VIDEO CASE: Southwestern Bell Hispanic
    VIDEO CASE: Blue Cross/Blue Shield
    PART IV Media
   Seven Basic Media Strategy
    Media Planning
    Media Research
    Media Buying
    Media Characteristics
    The Componcnts of the Media Plan
    The Media Schedule
    The Pressure of Competition
    Case History: Bonita Bay Properties Creative Comforts: An
    Example of a Multimedia Schedule
    The Budget
    The Cross-Media Concept
   Eight Using Television
    Television as an Advertising Medium
    The Rating-Point System
    Case History: Simmons Company: "Energize"
    Share ofAudience
    The Many Faces ofTclevision
    TV Syndication
    Cable Television
    The Videocassette Recorder
    Syndicated Rating Services
    The Fragmented Audience and The Electronic Highway
   Nine Using Radio
    Features and Advantages of Radio
    Limitations and Challenges of Radio
    Technical Aspects of Radio
    Selling Radio Commercial Time
    Types of Programming
    Radio Ratings Services
    Rate Classifications
    Buying Radio
    Using Radio Ratings
    Case History: Ford Audio Systems
    Summary 285
   Ten Using Newspapers
    Thc National Newspaper
    Marketing the Newspaper
    Zoning, Total Market Coverage, and Ncwspaper
    Categories of Newspaper Advertising
    Circulation Analysis
    Technology and the Future of Newspapers
    Newspaper-Distributed Magazine Supplements
    The African Amcrican and Hispanic Press
    Weekly Newspapers
   Eleven Using Magazines
    Media Competition and Mcdia Imperatives
    Cross-Media Buys
    Magazines as an Advcrrising Medium: Advantages and Dis-
    Featurcs of Magazine Advertising
    Magazine Elements
    How Space Is Sold
    Magazine Circulation
    Measuring Magazine Audiences
    Consumer Magazincs--Summing Up
    The Business Press and Business-to-Business Adverrising
    Case History: Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.: Gen-
    eral Industries Campaign
    Case History: Hcuga USA (A Division of Interface, Inc.):
    You Spend Too Much Time
   Twelve Out-Of-Home Advertising
    Out-of-Home Advertising 373
    The Outdoor Industry: An Overview
    Forms of Outdoor Advertising
    The Elements of Outdoor
    Measuring Outdoor
    Transic Advertising
    Shelter Advertising
   Thirteen Direct-Response and Direct-Mail
    Definition ofTerms in Direct Response
    The Modern Direct-Response Industry
    Growth of Direct-Response Advertising
    The Search for Alternative Media by Advertisers
    Database Marketing
    Case History: Promark One Marketing Services, Inc.:
    Touch-l Long Distance
    Radio and Direct-Response
    Magazines and Direct Response
    Characteristics ofSuccessful Direct-Response Advertising
    Direct-Response Offers-Direct Sales
    Direct-Response Offers-Lead Getting
    Direct Mail Advertising
    Case History: Northlake Regional Medical Center:
    Newcomers Direct Mail
    The Mailing List
    Planning and Producing the Direct-Mail Piece
   Fourteen Sales Promotion
    Promotion and Advertising
    Forms of Sales Promotion
    Point-of-Purchase Advertising
    Case History: Elephant/Tiger: Barnum Tower Display Spe-
    cialty Advertising
    Specialty Advertising
    Case History: Mellon Bank Corporarion: Automated Teller
    Machine Processing Services
    Case History: Hills Bros. Coffee, Inc.: Perfect
    Event Marketing
    Sweepstakes and Contests
    Cooperative Adverrising
    Trade Shows and Exhibits
    Directories and Yellow Pages
    Trade Incentives
    VIDEO CASE: Midas
    VIDEO CASE: Post Banana Nut Crunch
    PART V Creating the Advertising
   Fifteen Research in Adverrising
    Research Is an Informational Tool
    The Right Kind of Research
    Strategic or Account Planners
    What Kind of Research Is Needed?
    The Series of Research Steps in Advertising
    Testing Creative Research
   Sixteen Creatmg the Copy
    How Do We Create Great Advertising?
    he Nature and Use ofAppeals
    reat Advertising Elements
    Structure of an Advertisernent
    Copy Style
    Case History: Cosmetic Industry Ad Tips
    The Creative Work Plan
    Reviewing the Copy
   Seventeen The Total Concept: Words and
    Ideas Come from the Left and Right Brain
    The Creative Tcam
    The Idea
   Eighteen Print Production
    Production Data
    Production Planning and Scheduling
    Selecting the Printing Process
    Understanding Typography
    Type and Reading
    Type Fonts and Families
    Typesetting Methods
    Mechanical and Artwork
    Offset and Gravure Photoplatemaking
    Making Duplicate Material
    New Production Technology
   Nineteen The TV Commercial
    Copy Development and Production Timetable
    Creating che TV Commercial
    Producing the TV Commercial
    Role of the Producer
    Controlling the Cost of Commercial Production
    Case History: Orkin Exterminating Company: Environ-
    mental Responsibility and Consumer Concerns
   Twenty The Radio Commercial
    The Nature of the Medium
    Creating the Commercial
    Deveioping the Radio Script
    Structuring the Commercial
    Writing the Commercial
    nming of Commercials
    Musical Commercials
    Methods of Delivery
    Producing the Radio Commercial
   Twenty-one Trademarks and Packaging
    What is a Trademark?
    House Marks
    Service Marks, Certification Marks
    Company and Product Names
   Twcnty-two The Complete Campaign
    Situation Analysis
    Crearive Objectives and Straregy
    Media Objectives
    Getting the Campaign Approved
    Case History: RCA: RCA Home Theatre
    Case History: AFLAC Supplemental Insurance: Supple-
    mental Health Insurance
    VIDEO CASE: Dodge Intrepid
    VIDEO CASE: Converse Basketball
    PART Vl Other Environments of
   Twenty-three Retail Advertising
    Retail Trends
    Consumer Attitudes
    Retailing in the 1990s
    National and Retail Advertising
    Types of Retail Advertising
    The Retail Advertising' Mix
    Case History: Folks, Inc.: Restaurant Case
   Twenty-four International Advertising
    The New World Economic Order
    Global Marketing and Advertising
    Political and Economic Movements Toward a World
    The Multinational Advertising Agency
    Media Planning: A Global Perspective
    Cultural Considerations
    Legal and Regulatory Prohibitions
    Advertising Diversity in the United States
   Twenty-five Legal and Other Restraints on
    The Federal Trade Commission
    The Robinson-Patman Act and Cooperative
    The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
    Other Federal Controls of Advertising
    Advertising and the First Amendment
    Adverrising of Professional Services
    Comparison Adverrising
    The Advertising Clearance Process
    Self-Regulation by Industrywide Groups
   Twenty-SIX Economic and Social Effects of
    The Economk: Role ofAdvertising
    The Social Role of Adverrising
    Inadvertent Social Implications of Advertising
    Overt Use of Adverrising for Social Causes
    Advertising and Ethical Considerations
    VIDEO CASE: The Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation:
    Mall Developer
    VIDEO CASE: PSE&G Utility Conservacion Campaign


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