Connie Eigenmann-Malik has been a professor of EnglishCommunication at Shantou University in Guangdong Provincesince 2003. She teaches courses in Public Speaking,Business Communication, Technical Writing, EnglishHumanities Literature, both Literary and CommunicationTheory, International Public Relations, and ResearchWriting. She has over 10 years' academic experiencein North America, the Middle East, the subcontinent,and the Southeast Asia. Her research interests includedevelopment communication, cultural narrative, andelectronic communication in the countries includingOman, Pakistan, China and Thailand. Connie was bornin Springfield, Illinois; and has her B.A. and M.A. inRhetoric and Interpersonal Communication from EasternIllinois University. Her Ph.D. in Intercultural Communica-tion is from the University of Oklahoma with the disserta-tion Telling Grimm Tales: Vestiges of German Folkloreand Russian Formalism (1995). 陳偉英,就職于浙江大學外國語學院,從事研究生公共英語教學十余年。曾主編《全國碩士研究生入學考試英語最新題型》,參加編寫《同等學力人員申請碩士學位英語全國統考應試必備》、《研究生英語:交流技能課程》、《碩士生英語之一:研究生英語網上學》、 《碩士生英語之二:實用聽力》等書。