本書內(nèi)容包括:Multiscale analysis with atomistic/continuum models for fracture;Intelligent adaptive fluid structure interaction systems;Duality system in optimal control and applied mechanics等。
Preface Organizers and Committees Sponsors PLENARY Lectures 1 Muitiscale analysis with atomistic continuum models for fracture 2 Intelligent adaptive fluid structure interaction systems 3 Duality system in optimal control and applied mechanics Semi-plenary lECTURES 4 The high performance element library for solid mechanics 5 Nano-to macro biomechanics of bones:recent develoments and current research Endeavors 6 Mesh or meshless methods?is this the right question? 7 Large scale finite element simulation and modeling for enviromental flows usiing GIS/CAD 8 Kirchhoff's analogy ebtween rods and gyrostats for chaos determination 9 Inverse analysis problems in structural engineering of concrete dams 10 New developments in computational material failure mechanics 11 Development of statistical design support system and its applications to some industrial 12 Advanced computational technques for moving boundaries and interfaces 13 Grand challenge of CIP towards universal volver from nanoscale to astrophysical scale 14 Challenges of high Dam Construction to computational mechanics List of other semiplenary lecrures Keynote Lecrures 15 Geomechanics in the oil industry what have we learned and where do we go? 16 Implicit kinetic schemes ofr the ideal MHD equations 17 Recent progress on the application of BEM to thin walled structures 18 Application of a priori information to optical computed tomography 19 Fluid structure interaction to optical computed tomography 20 On the moddeling of localized failures in saturated porous media throngh strong discontiuities 21 Fracture of unteinforcde masonry walls under shear 22 Particle finite element method with thermal coupling 23 Computational mechanics for predicting reliability of flipchip components 24 Recent advances and applications plastic anisotropy of aluminium alloys 25 Crack initiation and propagation in a dynamically loaded prenotched plate …… List of other keynote lectres Author Index