This book is intended to be used in conjunction with a textbook or lecture notes on software engineering. The background and motivation for diagrams. notations and techniques are not included. Included are rules about proper construction of diagrams. Instructions on using techniques are given. Rules are included about applying techniques. Most important, examples and solved problems are given for diagrams, notations, and techniques.
CHAPTER 1 The Software Life Cycle 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Software Life Cycle Models CHAPTER 2 Software Process and Other Models 2.1 The Software Process Model 2.2 Data Flow Diagrams 2.3 Petri Net Models 2.4 Object Models 2.5 Use Case Diagrams 2.6 Scenarios 2.7 Sequence Diagrams 2.8 Hierarchy Diagrams 2.9 Control Flow Graphs 2.10 State Diagrams 2.11 Lattice Models CHAPTER 3 Software Project Management 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Management Approaches 3.3 Team Approaches 3.4 Critical Practices 3.5 Capability Maturity Model 3.6 Personal Software Process 3.7 Earned Value Analysis 3.8 Error Tracking 3.9 Postmortem Reviews CHAPTER 4 Software Project Planning 4.1 Project planning 4.2 WBS--Work Breakdown Structure 4.3 PERT-Program Evaluation and Review Technique 4.4 Software Cost Estimation CHAPTER 5 Software Metrics 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Software Measurement Theory 5.3 Product Metrics 5.4 Process Metrics 5.5 The GQM Approach CHAPTER 6 Risk Analysis and Management 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Risk Identification 6.3 Risk Estimation 6.4 Risk Exposure 6.5 Risk Mitigation 6.6 Risk Management Plans CHAPTER 7 Software Ouality Assurance 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Formal Inspections and Technical Reviews 7.3 Software Reliability 7.4 Statistical Quality Assurance CHAPTER 8 Requirements 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Object Model 8.3 Data Flow Modeling 8.4 Behavioral Modeling 8.5 Data Dictionary 8.6 System Diagrams 8.7 IEEE Standard for Software Requirements Specification CHAPTER 9 Software Design 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Phases of the Design Process 9.3 Design Concepts 9.4 Measuring Cohesion 9.5 Measuring Coupling 9.6 Requirements Traceability CHAPTER 10 Software Testing 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Software Testing Fundamentals 10.3 Test Coverage Criterion 10.4 Data Flow Testing 10.5 Random Testing 10.6 Boundary Testing CHAPTER 11 Object-Oriented Development 11.l Introduction 11.2 Identifying Objects 11.3 Identifying Associations 11.4 Identifying Multiplicities CHAPTER 12 Object-Oriented Metrics 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Metrics Suite for Object-Oriented Design 12.3 The MOOD Metrics CHAPTER 13 Object-Oriented Testing 13.1 Introduction 13.2 MM Testing 13.3 Function Pair Coverage CHAPTER 14 Formal Notations 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Formal Specifications 14.3 Object Constraint Language (OCL)