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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科社會(huì)科學(xué)語言文字三國演義(全三冊(cè))



定 價(jià):¥130.00

作 者: (明)羅貫中著
出版社: 外文
標(biāo) 簽: 語言學(xué)

ISBN: 9787119016641 出版時(shí)間: 2004-04-20 包裝: 平裝
開本: 32開 頁數(shù): 562 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  Luo Guanzhong Translatcd from the Chlncsc with Notes and an Afterword byMOSS ROBERTS Foreword byJOHN S. SERVICE"T he empire, long divided, must unite;long united, must divide. Thus it hascvcr been." With this characterization of theincvitable cycle ofChinese history, themonumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. Asimportant for Chinese culture as the Homericepics have bcen for the West, this Mingdynasty masterpiece continues to be read andloved throughout China as well as in Japan,Korca, and Vietnam. The novel offers astartling and unsparing view of how power iswiclded, how diplomacy is conducted, andhow wars are planned and fought; it hasinfiucnced the ways that Chinese think aboutpowcr, diplomacy, and war even to this day.Three Kingdoms portrays a fateful momentat thc end of the Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220) when the future of the Chinese empirelay in the balance. Writing morc than amillennium later, Luo Guanzhong drew onoftcn-told tales of this turbulent period tofashion a sophisticatcd, compelling narrative,whose characters display vivid individualityand epic grandeur.The story begins when the emperorfearing uprisings by peasant rebels known aathe Yellow Scarves, scnds an urgent appeal tothe provinces for popular support. Inresponse, three young men-thc aristocraticLiu Xuande, the fugitive Lord Guan, and thepig-butcher Zhang Fei-meet to pledgeetemal brotherhood and fealty to theirbeleaguered government. From thesc eventscomes a chain of cause and consequence thatleads ultimately to the collapse of the Han.Moss Roberts's new translation providesfor the first time an authoritative, annotatedEnglish-language version of this great andenduring work of world literature. A Centennial Book Luo Guanzhong ( 1330?-1400?) was a novelistand dramatist who played an important rolein the devclopment of Chincsc popularfiction.Moss Robcrts is Profcssor of Chincse at NewYork Univcrsity. He has publishcd anahridgted translation of Three Kingdoms( Pantheon 1976 ) and is thc translator ofChinesc Fairy Tales and Fantasies ( Pantheon1979).John S. Scrvicc, the son ofan Amcricanmissionary, was born in China and was aForfign Scrvice offieer therc from 1933 to1945. He is a Fellow at thc Center fur ChincseStudies at the Univcrsity ufCalifornia,Berkeley, and is an authority on Chineseeulture and politics. He' is also the cditor ofGolden lnches: the China Memoir of Graceseruice (California 1989 ).Published in cooperation withUnivcrsity ofCalifornia PressJacket dcsign: Wang Zhi




List of Maps
By John S. Service
Three Kingdoms
A Historical Novel/1
Afterword: About Three Kingdoms
By Moss Roberts/1459
Afterword: Notes/1528
Principal Characters in Three Kingdoms/1539
Chronology of Main Events in Three Kingdoms/1545
Titles, Terms, and Offices in Three Kingdoms/1551
Notes to Three Kingdoms/1557


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