unit 1 meeting a foreign business friend background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one at the customs dialogue two at the airport dialogue three talking on the way to the hotel words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 2 accommodation and dinners background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one in the hotel dialogue two dinner party dialogue three business lunch supplement a welcome speech words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 3 setting upon an agenda background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one drafting an agenda dialogue two discussing the itinerary dialogue three inviting the guest to dinner dialogue four arranging recreational activities words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 4 sightseeing background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one planning the sightseeing dialogue two climbing gushan mountain dialogue three visiting the great wall dialogue four at the arts and crafts shop words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 5 departure of a foreign guest background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one making a flight reservation dialogue two saying farewell dialogue three seeing off at the airport words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 6 going abroad on business background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one advising arrival in advance dialogue two checking in the hotel dialogue three a business call dialogue four a barbecue party dialogue five leaving the u. s. by air words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 7 presentation and promotion of products background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one at chicago international home & household show dialogue two visiting a showroom dialogue three a visit to a paper plant words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 8 inquiries background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one asking for a catalogue and a price list dialogue two general inquiries dialogue three specific inquiries dialogue four dealing with an inquiry words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 9 offer and order background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one an offer on sony brand camera dialogue two when can i have your firm offer? dialogue three making a trial order dialogue four i would place a large order with you words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 10 price, commission and discount background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one we accept this price dialogue two let's meet each other half way dialogue three asking for a commission dialogue four asking for a discount words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 11 quality and quantity background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one on quality dialogue two on quantity dialogue three sale by sample dialogue four talking about inspection words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 12 packing and labeling background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one consulting packing dialogue two inner packing dialogue three package for shipment dialogue four labeling words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 13 payment background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one talking about the terms of payment dialogue two payment by l/c after sight dialogue three opening the l/c words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 14 transportation and shipment background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one asking for an early shipment dialogue two effecting wrong shipment dialogue three asking for transshipment words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 15 insurance background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one asking what major categories of risks picc underwrites dialogue two consulting the insurance dialogue three knowledge about insurance words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 16 conclusion of business and signing a contract background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one negotiating a contract dialogue two checking the details dialogue three signing a contract new words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 17 complaints and claims background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one complaining about the shortage of weight dialogue two rejecting a claim dialogue three investigation and compensation dialogue four a claim for delayed shipment words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 18 arbitration background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one the arbitration clause dialogue two submitting the case for arbitration words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 19 agency background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one asking for sole agency dialogue two on sole agency dialogue three on agency agreement words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises unit 20 modes of foreign trade background knowledge situational dialogues dialogue one processing with supplier's materials dialogue two compensation trade words & expressions notes practical sentences conversational tips exercises references